wow you sure know a lot of languages!!!I'm sorry I can't help you,I see you already know romanianXDanyway good luck!!
If you ever want to die remember that you have a dream and you have to live on to make it come true!! ~Member of the Hello kitty clan~
~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLan+~
~+MeMbEr Of ThE ZeRo LuVeRs ClUb+~
I could teach you some Polish. It's a language spoken by some 40 million native speakers and more and more British/Irish people are learning it due to the large number of Poles there.
I could teach you some Polish. It's a language spoken by some 40 million native speakers and more and more British/Irish people are learning it due to the large number of Poles there.
XD I know, we Poles are like plague xD
My friend said that, when he was in UK, he couldn't find anyone who speaks English at the beggining, only Poles and Japanese.
Anyway Im a Pole^^ *Stands proudly* So I can give full Polish support :P