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noodle 11-28-2007 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Housetek (Post 310553)
a lot of people bowl, and play soccer.

theres places you can go to and play some pick up soccer games and stuff like that.

there like these astro turf fields, i forget where they are tho

i just go to the gym. its only 600 yen for the day

got a quick question, you see the 600 yen... do you mean you pay like 18000yen per month so it comes out to be 600 per day OR is it how much it costs without contract so u can just pay that much each time you go?

aychseven 11-28-2007 11:55 PM

are there many pool halls? i was wondering if i should bring my cue with me.

chachava 11-29-2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by aychseven (Post 312341)
are there many pool halls? i was wondering if i should bring my cue with me.

They exist but not as popular as back home (UK)... I'm guessing the space needed for tables is a bit of a problem for a lot of bars outside Roppongi lol

loveless09 12-03-2007 01:29 AM

when i went to japan, we walked A LOT due to that was one of our only ways of transportation...besides trains and taxis which we used taxis very rarely. One way to get fit, go to Miyajima Island and climb up Mt. Mizen. DO NOT take the rail sky car thingy. You'll get a heck of a workout going up that thing and and its even more tedious going DOWN. Walk a lot, say, go to Harajuku, you'll get a good walk without even realizing, just make sure you go to the shrine(?)temple(?).

jasonbvr 12-03-2007 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by chachava (Post 312839)
They exist but not as popular as back home (UK)... I'm guessing the space needed for tables is a bit of a problem for a lot of bars outside Roppongi lol

Yeah, darts is a lot more popular than billards. Most places are soft tip. So if you've got darts be sure to bring'em.

jasonbvr 12-03-2007 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 312095)
got a quick question, you see the 600 yen... do you mean you pay like 18000yen per month so it comes out to be 600 per day OR is it how much it costs without contract so u can just pay that much each time you go?

Each day you go is probably what he means, but 18000 yen a month for a popular gym sounds almost reasonable. The cheapest monthly gym in my city is about 10,000 yen a month and the highest is around 20,000. Which is why I use the community center for 200 yen a day and have dumbells at my apartment.

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