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ozkai 12-15-2009 12:05 PM

But man to women orally, what chance is this?

WhoIsDaffy 12-15-2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 789758)
But man to women orally, what chance is this?

Dunno, guess it depends on your technique. ;)

Columbine 12-15-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Encyclopod (Post 789543)
Care to provide a source for these numbers?

Just FYI, the poster who came up with those stats hasn't posted on JF since early 2008. If you want a source, you'll likely have to look for your own.

Encyclopod 12-16-2009 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Columbine (Post 789792)
Just FYI, the poster who came up with those stats hasn't posted on JF since early 2008. If you want a source, you'll likely have to look for your own.

Ah yeah, I didn't check the date at all. It's just seemed like those numbers were too low, not that I'm an expert or anything, was just looking for some clarification.

Sangetsu 12-16-2009 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by anrakushi (Post 397594)
i did a bit of research on this while at university in japan on the students there for an assignment. they all seemed to say to me no condom, no sex. they didn't know the details of the STDs etc but they knew how to protect themselves from them. although condoms don't protect you from STDs such as chlamydia as oral sex etc will transmit this STD just as easily as will touching of genitals. luckily chlamydia is curable with antibiotics.

one club in tokyo had a doctor in there offering free testing for those who wanted it, with 80%+ i think it was 83% testing positive to one STD or another.

Although HIV/AIDs is a very serious disease and we should all be very careful of it, it is important to also know your chances of getting HIV from an infected source.

Receptive Anal sex: 0.005%
Insertive Anal sex: 0.00065%
Receptive Vaginal sex: 0.001%
Insertive Vaginal sex: 0.0005%
Receptive Oral sex (fellatio only): 0.0001%
Insertive Oral sex (fellatio only): 0.00005%

While HIV/AIDs is a very serious matter and I have made sure to get myself tested as all sexually active people should if they have had sex without condom of any sort (regardless of female's use of protection) you need to remember that STDs like chlamydia are far more prevalent with many not knowing they have it due to lack of symptoms. Syphilis is a bit of an epidemic in the Gay community, at least in Australia but shouldn't be a problem to heterosexual males.

Your table above cannot be right, it would mean than on average one would have to have sex with an infected partner approximately 1000 times in order to become infected. This is simply untrue. 10 years ago 4 coworkers of mine had unprotected sex with an HIV positive prostitute at a bachelor party in Miami. 3 of the 4 became infected with HIV.

There are many kinds of diseases which can be transmitted sexually, and your odds of contracting these diseases increases in accordance with how many sexual partners you have. Hepatitis is one disease which is not considered an STD, but the majority of new cases (particularly in the gay community) were acquired through sexual contact.

The numbers of Japanese with STDs is not that great, according to many surveys, the Japanese have less sex (and less sexual partners) than any other nationality.

The viruses which can transmit STDs are not just semen, but blood and saliva. The HIV virus needs a transmitting or receiving blood source (cut or sore). Anal sex results in higher infection rates as cuts and sores occur more easily with this form of sex.

Condoms are not 100% effective against HIV or other diseases, just as they are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. The odds are greatly decreased, but the possibility still exists. If you don't want to catch an STD, you and your potential partner should be tested before engaging in sexual activity, it's the only way to be certain.

BTW, the best info I could find rates Japan's STD prevalence rate at 147th among 168 countries polled, which means that STDs are not as widespread here as in most other places. In Japan 89% of HIV positive people are male, and more than 60% of those admitted that they contracted the virus after engaging in male-to-male sex.

burkhartdesu 12-16-2009 03:43 AM

Might I also point out that Japan is ranked #141 of #153 countries in a list which shows HIV/AIDS prevalence in the adult population.

List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention

godwine 12-16-2009 12:39 PM

To the posters who keep posting up stats and making up numbers, if you can't reference a source then don't post misleading info

Just do a search in google if you want to know the real stats:

HIV Tutorial

Oral Sex and the Risk of HIV Transmission - HIV/AIDS Epi Update - May 2004 - Publications- Public Health Agency ofCanada

While wikipedia is not always accurate, it also have some useful info and links

HIV/AIDS in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

smbx33 12-16-2009 06:36 PM


The risk of HIV transmission to a male for any particular episode of unprotected vaginalAnterior vaginal wall repair
Causes of vaginal itching
Culture - endocervix
Transvaginal ultrasound
Vaginal bleeding between periods
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding in pregnancy
Vaginal cysts
Vaginal discharge sex averages 1 chance in 2,000, if the female has HIV. Logically the risk is lower the briefer the exposure, but there are no data to estimate how much lower. So if you assume a 5% chance your partner had HIV, your risk of having caught it should be no more than 0.05 x 0.0005 = 0.0000025, or 1 chance in 40,000. If those odds are too high for you to live with, have an HIV test. Anyway, every sexually active person ought to have an HIV test once a year or so. So if you haven't been tested recently, this would be a good time, since it's on your mind.

I don't suggest any other STD testing unless you get symptoms like sores or discharge from the penis.

Good luck-- HHH, MD
heres a real statistic from a real doctor....

source: chances of getting hiv infection if condom splits - HIV Prevention - MedHelp

so apologize to anrakushi, and stop stating your "opinions" and stick to facts.

TalnSG 12-17-2009 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 790120)
Might I also point out that Japan is ranked #141 of #153 countries in a list which shows HIV/AIDS prevalence in the adult population.

List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention

Not that the ranking is necessaryily wrong, but these records are of documented cases. It only includes those who have been tested and/or treated. Its widely held that there are far more undiagnosed cases throughout the world than reported in these statistics. And the level of civilization is no indication of how many are undiagnosed at all.

NanteNa 12-17-2009 05:56 PM

Assuming that the Japanese are the only people who are seemingly ignorant to this is... well, ignorant. lol.

I think most people who aren't HIV infected will always think the thoughts of ''It happens to everyone else. Not me''.


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 790120)
Might I also point out that Japan is ranked #141 of #153 countries in a list which shows HIV/AIDS prevalence in the adult population.

Aren't they rated #148?

Japan | 088 | 12,000 | 2003 est. | 148 | 0.1 | 2003 est.

What u posted was the 'death' rate ranking. Not the actual ranking by prevalence.
Not that it matters.. just wondering..

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