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-   -   Graduate from college if you want to live in Japan. (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/living-japan/15365-graduate-college-if-you-want-live-japan.html)

KaiTea 08-14-2009 03:36 PM

Thanks for your honest input...

That just makes my life harder and difficult for me to figure out what to do. With the advice that has been said, maybe translation is not for me. (Who knows.) -_-;; Now, I am back to square one without any ideas on what to do with my future. I do not want to be stuck at a retail store for the rest of my life, nor do I want to be doing a job I am not passionate about. I've looked through a list of majors to take, and I don't think anything suits me; nor am I interested in it.

-Sobs- ;_;

chinabean 08-24-2009 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by KaiTea (Post 760980)
Thanks for your honest input...

That just makes my life harder and difficult for me to figure out what to do. With the advice that has been said, maybe translation is not for me. (Who knows.) -_-;; Now, I am back to square one without any ideas on what to do with my future. I do not want to be stuck at a retail store for the rest of my life, nor do I want to be doing a job I am not passionate about. I've looked through a list of majors to take, and I don't think anything suits me; nor am I interested in it.

-Sobs- ;_;

nurse; medical field.

trunker 09-18-2009 11:18 AM

figure out what youre passionate about and then take it from there. i wouldnt just jump into nursing or medical unless i had a reason to, besides money and having a job.

UsagiSarah 09-24-2009 06:03 AM

what about
what about us folks who have to move there for their husbands jobs? I would like to help support our living funds but what can I do without a college degree? I mean I never intended to go there and live there and make big money teaching english or being a businessman. So what options are there for the women who never had the chance to plan ahead?

some of us aren't the anime/cosplay/japan obsessed kids in the world with a dream to work and live in japan independently.

MMM 09-24-2009 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by UsagiSarah (Post 773258)
what about us folks who have to move there for their husbands jobs? I would like to help support our living funds but what can I do without a college degree? I mean I never intended to go there and live there and make big money teaching english or being a businessman. So what options are there for the women who never had the chance to plan ahead?

some of us aren't the anime/cosplay/japan obsessed kids in the world with a dream to work and live in japan independently.

You are actually at an advantage, because if you can live in Japan with your husband who has a work visa, and you have a spouse visa (I believe) then you can work anywhere that will hire you. They don't need to provide you a working visa, so you will not be under the same scrutiny. You could even start your own business if you wanted.

godwine 09-24-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 773260)
You are actually at an advantage, because if you can live in Japan with your husband who has a work visa, and you have a spouse visa (I believe) then you can work anywhere that will hire you. They don't need to provide you a working visa, so you will not be under the same scrutiny. You could even start your own business if you wanted.

Hey MMM, on that note, will starting her own business change her status? Let say, if someone, under the exact same scenario started a business, then the spouse who was there with a work visa didn't get his visa extended, then what will happen? Will they need to surrender the business (sell it, close it.. etc) or they can still stay?

Kushaba 10-05-2009 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 484032)
I think it's also safe to say that most of the people that are wanting to live in Japan really ought to go there for some time before making such important plans. I seem to see a lot of people that dream of living in Japan, purely from stories of a perfect society. I have to say, those people seem rather naïve.

I agree with you. a friend of mine is studying art in tokyo and she is saying even though the city is nice, fun, and full of life. Everything is very VERY expensive!

MMM 10-05-2009 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by godwine (Post 773285)
Hey MMM, on that note, will starting her own business change her status? Let say, if someone, under the exact same scenario started a business, then the spouse who was there with a work visa didn't get his visa extended, then what will happen? Will they need to surrender the business (sell it, close it.. etc) or they can still stay?

Sorry I missed this. Other people can probably answer this question better than I, but I know foreigners can own businesses in Japan, so I would imagine there is a visa for that. It wouldn't be in Japan's interest to deport successful business owners.

godwine 10-05-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 775339)
Sorry I missed this. Other people can probably answer this question better than I, but I know foreigners can own businesses in Japan, so I would imagine there is a visa for that. It wouldn't be in Japan's interest to deport successful business owners.

So maybe that is another option for people who want to move there, and that is to start a business. But I am guessing that you will need to have some kind of proposal or something that shows a strong prospect before they will grant you a visa. Let me look more into this.. i will post any info i find (On a different thread)

Zanxza 10-09-2009 06:00 PM

Am gonna try and study college in japan,I still have 4 years of school to go but oh well,Am learning Japanese from now so I don't have to spend time later learning it and am already building my business online,All you need is hard work and some logic,That's what I believe in really.Though interesting thread! :D

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