Originally Posted by Tangram
I'm shocked at how many people are more worried about kanji than grammar. I plan on taking 4- or 3-kyuu next year, and kanji is the only part I expect to be prepared for. XD Grammar just goes over my head, and listening has always been a problem for me with any language.
The vocabulary section is pretty much Kanji. You need to know it to pass that part. IMO, grammar is easier. You learn the rule, keep going with it. Kanji, imo, is just much too easy to mix up with other Kanji characters. It could be a situation where you know the word, but don't recognize the character right off or just don't know it. For example, I know the word for car is "Kuruma", but seeing it as "車" might not help me to remember that it's the Kanji for car. Of course I actually know that one, which is why I used it, but you see where I'm trying to go with this. IMO, Kanji is just hard, especially if one's first language usually doesn't involve a bunch of pictographs or symbols to represent words.
Level four probably won't be a problem anyway. Level four uses a lot of furigana, level 3 and up, not so much, from the tests I've seen.