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-   -   Best organizations for part-time english teaching? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/living-japan/20600-best-organizations-part-time-english-teaching.html)

Henbaka 11-05-2008 11:10 AM

Best organizations for part-time english teaching?
Not sure if you all know but, I am currently living in Tokyo on a college student visa. As I feel it would be good with some extra cash, I am now looking for part-time work, and it really seems like english teaching just pays way better than any other arbeito (so if possible that's what I want).

Now I'm not a native speaker but my english is very good in speech and in writing (this is a internet forum so I might not care so much always here though). I have heard about non-natives teaching english on several occations so it must be possible, yeah?

Anyways I was searching gaijinpot for ads, and while it seems like a good place to find some work there are just so. many. organizations out there. So that's why I started this thread.

I need a place that will:

* Pay decent
* Accept me as I am not born a native speaker
* Not treat me like sh*t
* Be OK with me not working all day, every day.

As I said I have a college student visa, and the work permit I got allows me to work 14hrs/week whilst studying (full time on holidays).

Please if you can, help me! :)

jasonbvr 11-05-2008 11:33 AM

If you post the openings you are considering, I can give you my opinion. The issue of non-native teachers is something you will have to talk to the employer about. Lastly the people on Gaijinpot's forums (although extremely abrasive) are much more knowledgeable about specific companies and working in Japan in general. Consider reading the threads there.

Henbaka 11-05-2008 11:55 AM


I was just guessing that there might be someone on these forums also who have had experience with some teaching organizations. I will check gaijinpot's forums also.

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