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MMM 01-30-2009 01:39 AM

I don't want to live in Japan.
I lived in Japan for just over three years, and go back to visit almost every year. I gotta tell you, life is a lot easier and my standard of living is a lot higher in my home country. I loved my time in Japan but will be happy not living long-term there again.

Why do I write this?

I have read dozens, maybe 100 different posts from people that say "I want to live in Japan" without ever having visited. I immediately do a facepalm when I see this, and to be honest it is hard to take most of them seriously. Now the "I would love to visit japan someday" threads much more seriously because those folks tend to be more realistic.

I titled this thread this way to get your attention, and I know I could live in Japan again if I had to or if I wanted. There are tons of things I loved about life in Japan, but there are also things I am not ready to sacrifice for the rest of my life just to be able to live in Japan (centralized heating, NY-style pizza, Christmas, etc.)

I don't disparage anyone that does live in Japan and has or will for a long time. It's a great experience, but for now I am going to throw another log on my wood stove, marinade a rib-eye and turn on some NBA basketball.

samurai007 01-30-2009 01:55 AM

I can certainly see your point. I had an extremely tiny, old, drafty apartment that shook every time the train to Osaka rumbled by from 5 AM until midnight. It was blazing hot and humid in summer and bone-chillingly cold in winter thanks to no insulation or central air or heat. I had no car, but used a bike and train to get around, including in rain, heat, or snow. Carrying groceries or my new stereo home was a pain. I had no internet connection and no computer, and only 1-2 shows a night were broadcast with English on the 2nd audio channel (and 1 of those was the NHK news, the other maybe a rerun of X-Files or some old show). I lived far more simply than I do now, and I can't imagine going back to that. If I ever did live there again, it would be very different than I was willing to live 10+ years ago, but then, both I and Japan have changed a lot in that time.

biginjapan 01-30-2009 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 670613)
I lived in Japan for just over three years, and go back to visit almost every year. I gotta tell you, life is a lot easier and my standard of living is a lot higher in my home country. I loved my time in Japan but will be happy not living long-term there again.

Why do I write this?

I have read dozens, maybe 100 different posts from people that say "I want to live in Japan" without ever having visited. I immediately do a facepalm when I see this, and to be honest it is hard to take most of them seriously. Now the "I would love to visit japan someday" threads much more seriously because those folks tend to be more realistic.

I titled this thread this way to get your attention, and I know I could live in Japan again if I had to or if I wanted. There are tons of things I loved about life in Japan, but there are also things I am not ready to sacrifice for the rest of my life just to be able to live in Japan (centralized heating, NY-style pizza, Christmas, etc.)

I don't disparage anyone that does live in Japan and has or will for a long time. It's a great experience, but for now I am going to throw another log on my wood stove, marinade a rib-eye and turn on some NBA basketball.

I agree with you but the ones you mention are the anime obsessed people who never end up going to Japan or only end up staying for a short time. I'm probably going to be flamed for saying this but most people who want to live in Japan are social rejects and that is why I think many of them only end up staying in Japan for a short time. In Japan it is HARDER to make friends than in your home country. Japanese people are very busy and have little time to hang out with you. If you feel lonely in your own country you will be 10x as lonely in Japan.

So a warning for those who want to live in Japan without visiting. Please open your mind up and try to accept that their are bad sides of Japan as well. The one I mentioned above is the reason I see most of these people crumble.

MMM 01-30-2009 02:13 AM

Well put, samurai. I put up with a lot of things, similar to what you describe. I had no computer or Internet. In the winter is was basically freezing when I stepped out of the shower. My veranda was my closet, and many of my shirts got sunbleached on one side.

Now in a house with a yard, I can't really imagine going back to that in the same way.

MMM 01-30-2009 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by biginjapan (Post 670620)
I agree with you but the ones you mention are the anime obsessed people who never end up going to Japan or only end up staying for a short time. I'm probably going to be flamed for saying this but most people who want to live in Japan are social rejects and that is why I think many of them only end up staying in Japan for a short time. In Japan it is HARDER to make friends than in your home country. Japanese people are very busy and have little time to hang out with you. If you feel lonely in your own country you will be 10x as lonely in Japan.

So a warning for those who want to live in Japan without visiting. Please open your mind up and try to accept that their are bad sides of Japan as well. The one I mentioned above is the reason I see most of these people crumble.

I think you are right about being social. It is very easy to be completely invisible, especially in the big cities in Japan.

Check this out: Hikikomori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sitron 01-30-2009 02:18 AM

Are there any other reasons you don't want to live there again? Like work hours, wages etc.etc

MMM 01-30-2009 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Sitron (Post 670625)
Are there any other reasons you don't want to live there again? Like work hours, wages etc.etc

Well with the work I am doing now, with clients both in Japan and in the US, its nicer living in the US getting Japanese rates than living in Japan and getting paid US rates.

But to answer your question, no, the hours and wages are not a reason I am not looking for a job in Japan.

Ronin4hire 01-30-2009 02:31 AM

The only place in Japan I could see myself settling down is Okinawa.

nobora 01-30-2009 02:38 AM

I want to live in tokyo ^^ but thats for my career too .

MMM 01-30-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by nobora (Post 670643)
I want to live in tokyo ^^ but thats for my career too .

Just out of curiosity, did you read the first post?

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