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wasabijuice 05-17-2009 05:34 AM

The real Japan

Tsuruneru 05-17-2009 05:41 AM

This is nothing new to me but i still love the country regardless of what they are not showing.

wasabijuice 05-17-2009 06:00 AM

Glad to hear there is someone enlightened out there,

tell me, are you in Japan now or have you ever been?

Reavyn 05-17-2009 06:26 AM

Over every place in Japan, Hokkaido is actually the one place I'd want to spend most of my time. I'm quite aware that Japan is nothing like everything you see in Anime, Manga, Movies, or even the Drama's. Many people always have those misconceptions about anywhere they have never been but wanted to go. Sure, I like anime, sushi, and cosplayers, but I also like history, many of the other foods (not sure about squid ink pizza though...), and everyday wear. Sadly, due to traps I unknowingly set for myself in my younger days I will probably never get a chance to get out to Japan.

Even in the city I live in, I often just go walking. The only thing that really keeps me sane is such a horrible place is nature.

blimp 05-17-2009 07:32 AM

i reckon i must be mistaken since the japan i live in feels rather real, especially the other day when i accidentally hit an iron bar with my foot. a couple of my toes are still blue.

if indeed u r only joking i apologise. on internet no one hears your irony(!)

AsianAtHeart 05-17-2009 08:03 AM

This is.........nothing new to me.

I think I can safely say alot of us JFers do admire Japan outside of manga/anime or cosplaying.

Pexster 05-17-2009 08:16 AM

Im sure here people know this already. But still thanks for bringing this out for the people who don't know.

ozkai 05-17-2009 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by wasabijuice (Post 717763)
Hi everybodies, I'm new here

I suggest making a list of about 20 words that are the most important for you for wanting to go to, or live in Japan. Take some time now and do it. If in your list of 20 words contain any of the following:

sushi, cute

I welcome all questions, comments and criticisms, please.

I can't agree.

Sushi and cute play a big part within Japan, so big, that Sushi is now part of the Australian culture.

wasabijuice 05-17-2009 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 717836)
I can't agree.

Sushi and cute play a big part within Japan, so big, that Sushi is now part of the Australian culture.

Duly noted, glad people are paying attention.

Firebird 05-17-2009 02:17 PM

My list surely includes: Anime, Manga, Maid, Cute, Sushi

but the bigger part would be: Hiking, Yaeyama-shoto, Hokkaido, Tohoku, Shikoku, Nara, beach, forest, shrine, camping,.....

so i guess i want to see both worlds, or i actually do.
I can only agree and wish that more people would step of the beaten track to see the other side of Japan. Away from Hello Kitty, Yamanote line and 24h internetcafes. Go out and hike the Alps, fly to Okinawa and travel the small Ilands (only the flight is expensive, food and accomodation are really cheap down there), explore the south east coast of Kansai,..... so many beautifull stressfree places!

But still you wouldnt want to miss: one afternoon in Akiba, wandering through the market in Ueno, one night in Shibuya, tempels in Kyoto, Osaka,....

What fascinated me most the last 10 month in this country is the diversity of this country. This country is so rich in contrasts that its sometimes overwhelming. Standing in a street in Tokyo, Mcdonalds on my right and Sega world on my left and seeing some guys in traditional clothes carry a shrine through the middle of the street just left me speechless.

If you want to see "real" Japan, you will have to see both worlds!

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