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johanna17 06-08-2009 01:36 PM

I was told theres a lot of gay people in japan is dat true?
One of my friends is gay hes a boy and i was talking to him about going
to japan this december and he was like well there a lot of gay people and now he wants to come with im bisexual but is it common for people over there to be open with there orientation ? im bisexual and i know i wouldnt care if people saw me holding hands with like a girl or kissing her in public.
but this is a whole other country...

Atakicat 06-08-2009 04:58 PM

Perhaps this thread could help you..It covers alot of your question.

johanna17 06-08-2009 05:23 PM

at least sum1 was being helpful here..
:) i apreciate it

Atakicat 06-08-2009 05:28 PM

No Problems, Glad I could be a help^^

bonjoliehistrionic 06-08-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by johanna17 (Post 731079)
One of my friends is gay hes a boy and i was talking to him about going
to japan this december and he was like well there a lot of gay people and now he wants to come with im bisexual but is it common for people over there to be open with there orientation ? im bisexual and i know i wouldnt care if people saw me holding hands with like a girl or kissing her in public.
but this is a whole other country...

i have also heard that there are alot of homosexuals in japan
compared to countries like korea and china
i suppose it is due to dating and sexual orientation perhaps being more relaxed in japan.?
im not sure though.

mercedesjin 06-09-2009 09:00 PM

Being gay in Japan [merged]
I have no idea what it's like to be gay in Japan, and I wonder if anyone can say what they think it's like there for someone who is queer. I know there are things there like yaoi and yuri that are pretty popular, but I don't know if people are accepting of it outside of media. (Kind of like watching someone running through the streets naked in a movie, but being absolutely against a person doing that in real life.)

I'm open to falling in love with anyone, regardless of gender. I've heard from articles that Japan is a homophobic country overall - but then, so is America, and I can openly express my interests without feeling discriminated against where I live. I'm going to Kyoto. Will I be butchered if I'm open about my sexuality there? Should I sneak through Tokyo's gay clubs at night?

MMM 06-09-2009 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 731760)
I have no idea what it's like to be gay in Japan, and I wonder if anyone can say what they think it's like there for someone who is queer. I know there are things there like yaoi and yuri that are pretty popular, but I don't know if people are accepting of it outside of media. (Kind of like watching someone running through the streets naked in a movie, but being absolutely against a person doing that in real life.)

I'm open to falling in love with anyone, regardless of gender. I've heard from articles that Japan is a homophobic country overall - but then, so is America, and I can openly express my interests without feeling discriminated against where I live. I'm going to Kyoto. Will I be butchered if I'm open about my sexuality there? Should I sneak through Tokyo's gay clubs at night?

Sneaking to Tokyo at night from Kyoto is not only not necessary, but not possible.

In many ways Japan has a don't ask don't tell attitude about it. Most people don't really care. I would love for you to post those articles, because in my experience it wasn't really the case. Osaka has a gay district and I know of one gay parade that happens there. You will not be butchered.

mercedesjin 06-09-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 731766)
Sneaking to Tokyo at night from Kyoto is not only not necessary, but not possible.

In many ways Japan has a don't ask don't tell attitude about it. Most people don't really care. I would love for you to post those articles, because in my experience it wasn't really the case. Osaka has a gay district and I know of one gay parade that happens there. You will not be butchered.

Well, you can probably find the articles pretty easily by looking it up on Google. You can type "homophobia in japan" or something. As for Tokyo, I was being sarcastic. I guess it doesn't work well on the Internet.

Anyway, it's good to hear that there's a gay pride parade in Osaka. "Don't ask don't tell" isn't too great. That's usually just another way to oppress groups of people, another way to deny identities - and, if people don't tell, how are they supposed to find lovers? Eh, I guess that's a problem in most societies.

MMM 06-09-2009 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 731769)
Well, you can probably find the articles pretty easily by looking it up on Google. You can type "homophobia in japan" or something. As for Tokyo, I was being sarcastic. I guess it doesn't work well on the Internet.

Anyway, it's good to hear that there's a gay pride parade in Osaka. "Don't ask don't tell" isn't too great. That's usually just another way to oppress groups of people, another way to deny identities - and, if people don't tell, how are they supposed to find lovers? Eh, I guess that's a problem in most societies.

I don't feel like searching for articles about homophobia in Japan. You said you read some news articles, and I'd like to read the ones you had read.

You are applying Western thinking to a culture that's been doing it it's own way a lot longer than we have. Japan is pretty much "don't ask don't tell" about all things private (to make a sweeping generalization) especially what goes on in the bedroom. It doesn't just apply to gays, but to everybody. As long as what you are doing doesn't affect me, I won't worry about it.

mercedesjin 06-09-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 731788)
I don't feel like searching for articles about homophobia in Japan. You said you read some news articles, and I'd like to read the ones you had read.

You are applying Western thinking to a culture that's been doing it it's own way a lot longer than we have. Japan is pretty much "don't ask don't tell" about all things private (to make a sweeping generalization) especially what goes on in the bedroom. It doesn't just apply to gays, but to everybody. As long as what you are doing doesn't affect me, I won't worry about it.

Yes, I did read articles. No, I'm not going to spend time looking up those articles for you. Google is actually pretty easy if you try looking them up yourself.

The oppression of sexuality is a global event, not just a Western thing. Don't ask, don't tell is found in the West too. It's a code of conduct in the military. It takes away a basic right for men and women in the military. It takes away a basic right for men and women all over the world where ignoring their sexuality is a way of life. Japan isn't excluded from that. Even if you apply don't ask, don't tell to every single detail of a culture, it doesn't mean it's not oppressive in anyway.

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