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tokyo88 06-14-2009 02:09 PM

i would like to study in Japanese university
hello im student in Tunisia i will have my first diploma in 2010
when i got the student application from the university
it is wrote that it is very hard to study in Tokyo ' Osaka and Kyoto

if i want to study there i should write the name of the university and the name of the teacher !!!
haw can i know the name of the teachers :!!!!
i tried to contact some Japanese universities but i got no reply :!!!
if some one can advice me
thank you !!!:)

kyo_9 06-14-2009 04:52 PM

you can check it from the universities website..
I think you must have some topic that you would like to do research in the university where the lecturer is currently doing the same thing..
you can search the lecturer's name according to the title of the research or you can just search a subject which you find interesting and try to ponder about the lecturer who teach the subject..

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