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how the heck to you reply to a post?? - 06-17-2009, 06:25 AM

i so need to reply to one because some blogger
took my question as trying to find a boy friend!!
wtf!! im looking for answers not a boy friend!!
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(#2 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 06:34 AM

Well first off you'd definitely need to find some common ground's with the person you're interested in. Don't be so stereotypical though, just because we're Asian doesn't mean we only date Asians. Sure it's usually the case since it's a bit easier to find common grounds with people from your own ethnic background.

But since you are living in America, Americanized Asians tend to think a bit differently from the ones living in their home country. They tend to be a little bit more open minded about things that to others might not be acceptable back home.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#3 (permalink))
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06-17-2009, 06:51 AM

sorri i hope i didnt ofend, but i wasnt trying to be sterotypical

i was just going off of what i saw, and i was asking so i would know.

common ground meaning what exactly??

and you said americanized asians tend to be a bit more open minded

about things that to others might not be acceptable back home, meaning

its not accepted for thoes living in japan or in the asian culture??
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(#4 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by ani View Post
sorri i hope i didnt ofend, but i wasnt trying to be sterotypical

i was just going off of what i saw, and i was asking so i would know.

common ground meaning what exactly??

and you said americanized asians tend to be a bit more open minded

about things that to others might not be acceptable back home, meaning

its not accepted for thoes living in japan or in the asian culture??
It's okay !

Well common grounds as in, things you'll have in common. Like I said it totally depends if you're going authentic or for an American-Asian.

Well Asian parent's tend to be very picky about who their children are with.
Especially older generation parents, they aren't too big on outsiders.
But that doesn't apply to all of them of course.

From my point of view I've never dated someone out of my own race.
To me it just doesn't feel right for some reason. Most Asian girls tend to be a bit more dainty and women like, very polite as well.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#5 (permalink))
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06-17-2009, 07:25 AM

wow you've made some good points

i can relate to the not dateing outside your race

because it doesnt feel right, thats how i use to be till

i got to know a person outside my race and liked how they

think, thats what brought on me wanting to explore other

races but asians appeal to me the most, no idea why though??

the authentic ones especially. ive met a couple of asian

guys 4rm japan and their very timid. why is that??

and aisan girls are nice and stuff, but why do the soaps portray

them as spiteful and gold digging??
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(#6 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by ani View Post
wow you've made some good points

i can relate to the not dateing outside your race

because it doesnt feel right, thats how i use to be till

i got to know a person outside my race and liked how they

think, thats what brought on me wanting to explore other

races but asians appeal to me the most, no idea why though??

the authentic ones especially. ive met a couple of asian

guys 4rm japan and their very timid. why is that??

and aisan girls are nice and stuff, but why do the soaps portray

them as spiteful and gold digging??
Maybe Asians appeal to you because most of them are very refined individuals, usually with a great sense of style and work ethic.

Well they're maybe timid due to the fact that they might not speak very good English? I know some get nervous if asked a question and they don't know how to respond correctly, it's quite normal.

Well you definitely can't rely on television to make an opinion on how asian girls act. It's mostly for entertainment. It's no like we can judge American girls based on The Hills or The OC.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#7 (permalink))
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06-17-2009, 07:57 AM

maybe and the fact that they seem polite and would have

the qualities that i value in man.

and oh yea that would be a bit of the reason but they

spoke japanese majority of the time and occasionally spoke

a few english words here and there.

and true about the televison statement, and asian women

are real polite, i wonder if they fake it? and really cant stand

being polite and wish they could say and do what they really

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