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mercedesjin 06-20-2009 02:29 AM

I've already heard some opinions on the matter from different friends, but I'd love to hear more thoughts.

What do you guys think is the average opinion of piercings in Japan? The younger people I've asked say that, especially in college, it's not a problem. However, it seems like the older, more traditional generations are against it. Here at my home, I've heard from many older people who have clearly expressed that they don't like piercings - and I've ignored them. But I don't want to go into another country (and another person's home, because I'm doing a homestay) and offend them by how I look.

So, since I already have a piercing, what advice can you guys give? Should I take it out while I'm in Japan?

johanna17 06-20-2009 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by JoshAussie (Post 735858)
Do you look like this? -

That looks disturbing to thee eyes :|

mercedesjin 06-21-2009 12:25 AM

That is pretty disturbing. The worst piercing I've ever seen was through the eyelids. I'm surprised she doesn't have that.

But no, I just have ear piercings and an eyebrow piercing.

Hyakushi 06-21-2009 12:36 AM

There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself but if your doing a home stay or visiting another country its always best just to dress casual and live with out pericings and covering up your tattoos for awhile just to be polite.

mercedesjin 06-21-2009 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Hyakushi (Post 736314)
There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself but if your doing a home stay or visiting another country its always best just to dress casual and live with out pericings and covering up your tattoos for awhile just to be polite.

I guess that's a good idea, but then I worry about the day when I decide to stop covering up my piercings. I think it'll be a bit of a shock for my host family and teachers when suddenly I've got an eyebrow piercing.

Sangetsu 06-21-2009 05:11 AM

Then grow up and don't uncover them. In Japan people are taught to respect the body which was given to them by their parents, not to deface it with tattoos or piercings. Your host parents may be embarrassed to be associated with you if you ever uncover them, and they'll certainly feel sorry for your parents.

mercedesjin 06-21-2009 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 736585)
Then grow up and don't uncover them. In Japan people are taught to respect the body which was given to them by their parents, not to deface it with tattoos or piercings. Your host parents may be embarrassed to be associated with you if you ever uncover them, and they'll certainly feel sorry for your parents.

Just curious - why are you so annoyed? Were you brought up to see piercings and tattoos as "defacing the body" and think I'm being morally wrong? Or are you simply in a bad mood? Also, why would they feel sorry for my parents?

Covering an eyebrow piercing is pretty tough. I would have to wear a band-aid over it 24-7, seeing that I don't want the piercing to heal if I ever take out the ring. I realize that I'm going to Japan for an immersion, but I don't believe in completely giving up myself and my personality for a full year. I also don't want to come back to the USA and have to get my eyebrow pierced again. That's where I'm coming from, and why I'm really trying to see what the general Japanese reaction might be, before I make any choices.

Nyororin 06-21-2009 05:28 AM

They may want you to take it out at some point - or they may not really care at all. I would try to get the smallest and most plain ring you can manage and be really honest about it from the start. Hiding it is sort of like saying you know you`re doing something wrong...
Piercings are not that rare, and are not as "bad" as tattoos in public opinion. And in the end, you`re not Japanese and will not be held to the same "standard" anyway... Even by the most conservative and traditional people out there. You`re coming from a different culture with different opinions and values - and everyone knows that.

I say just be honest about it, have a very small and plain hoop, and then follow your host family`s lead. Chances are, they`ll just accept it as part of the package that is you and not say another thing about it.

mercedesjin 06-21-2009 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 736592)
They may want you to take it out at some point - or they may not really care at all. I would try to get the smallest and most plain ring you can manage and be really honest about it from the start. Hiding it is sort of like saying you know you`re doing something wrong...
Piercings are not that rare, and are not as "bad" as tattoos in public opinion. And in the end, you`re not Japanese and will not be held to the same "standard" anyway... Even by the most conservative and traditional people out there. You`re coming from a different culture with different opinions and values - and everyone knows that.

I say just be honest about it, have a very small and plain hoop, and then follow your host family`s lead. Chances are, they`ll just accept it as part of the package that is you and not say another thing about it.

Yeah, I think this might be best. It feels a little weird trying to hide it. Thanks! =)

Hyakushi 06-21-2009 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 736432)
I guess that's a good idea, but then I worry about the day when I decide to stop covering up my piercings. I think it'll be a bit of a shock for my host family and teachers when suddenly I've got an eyebrow piercing.

I'm not saying throw away pericings but just maybe talk to them or warn them about it before you go around showing it off heh. When I was younger I went to live in japan and had Snake bite pericings. Alot of people didn't mind, they would want to look at my face and take pics but during work I had to take them out because I didn't want them getting caught on something and tearing my lip. Alot of people would ask me why or how I got the pericings and its a good conversation starter.

Don't get upset with Sangetsu either he is just giving you a truthful answer, we can't just let you go to japan and learn the hard way about what they think or what they believe is acceptible. He is right though its a sort of culture shock that is mostly covered but you could be an ambassador in making it acceptible and modest.

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