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oldhosco 02-25-2007 10:47 PM

Transferring to Japan
Hello everyone!:ywave:

I'll be graduating in May with a B.B.A in Finance and for various reasons, including a Japanese girlfriend, would like to work in a financial related job in Japan.

I realize that it would be very difficult to land a non-english teaching job in Japan considering a have minimal Japanese language skills. I figure the best way would be to get a job with a financial firm stateside that has offices in Japan and eventually transfer over.

Does anyone have any experience in this? Any idea how long one would have to work with a firm to be eligible for such a transfer? I would really appreciate
any insight anyone can offer.

Thanks so much!

musashi 02-25-2007 11:19 PM

no.....but you could hire a japanese translator to follow you around in case you need help with what people are saying......

jasonbvr 02-26-2007 12:13 AM

There was someone on JF that is doing just that, and they posted on here a while back. The thread is something about his salary for finance or something. But I would have to say, keep an eye on the job section of Jobs in Japan: Jobs - Japan Jobs - Japan News - Japan Info - Japan Apartments - Japan Classifieds - Japan Forums because not all the finance jobs you could get will not require a high level of Japanese. Also if you are really serious about living here for an extended period of time, you could come over and "suffer" through a year of teaching English while you learn the language and seek other jobs.

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