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ayon 07-23-2009 09:37 AM

If you want to come in Osaka...
Hi Everyone !

I'm a French/Japanese guy, in architect studies, and I just want to inform you that we have a big japanese House "Pension AYK" to welcome students or travelers in Osaka... It's a very big house, with a zen garden, internet connection, and all others facilities... Near the train station... So it's very great for your trip in Japan..
Check our Blog for more information : pension-ayk.blogspot.com
See ya !

Atakicat 07-26-2009 01:37 AM

Very nice! I'll have to keep this in mind..

Azurumi 07-27-2009 09:43 AM

I'll keep that in mind. Do you have msn or skype?

Thank's for sharing the info ^^

coolforcats1 07-27-2009 09:50 AM

Oooh I'll bear this in mind!

Thanks for sharing the info! ^__^

ozkai 07-27-2009 10:54 AM

I've come in Osaka a few times;)

Fantastic place and I will keep your establishement in mind.

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