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PaulK 07-27-2009 06:35 AM

depression support groups

I want to find out if anyone has heard of depression/mood disorders support groups in Japan. I don't live in the Kanto or Kansai area, so I feel a bit isolated here in rural Japan.

Thank You,


samurai007 07-27-2009 06:50 AM

Are you on JET or do you have any JETs or foreigners nearby that you can talk to? Having other foreigners to talk to is a big help in and of itself, but JET also provides trained PAs and counselors and there is a JET hotline to call as well. You might try giving them a call, even if you aren't a JET, and just say you need some help...

I lived in fairly rural Japan myself for 2 years, and I think just being able to occassionally have someone to talk to in English, a fellow foreigner in Japan going through similar stuff that you are, is a very big pressure release.

And heck, even if there's no one locally you can talk to and you don't want to call the JET helpline, there's always the net and this forum. Several people here have lived in Japan for extended periods of time, maybe we can help out...

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