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Aether 10-19-2009 11:20 AM

Music Shop in Tokyo
I'm looking for a music shop in the Tokyo area where I would be able to pick up a bag, a tuner, and some song books for my guitar. Does anyone know of a good one?

Polar 10-20-2009 03:55 AM

Saw quite a few around the Shibuya bus terminal.

Didn't go in any but here's a shot.

JayT 10-20-2009 07:43 AM

Why don't you just use the search bar.

Aether 10-20-2009 01:39 PM

I certainly can find some music stores in the Tokyo area by doing a google search and the likes, but that won't exactly tell me what the store is like. I was more wondering if someone had a good music shop in mind that they would recommend.

Anyway, I am thinking I will probably check out Ochanomizu. I've talked to a couple people and they pointed me in that direction.

dustybunter 10-20-2009 03:10 PM

Yes, Ochanomizu is great.
There's a whole road of guitar shops just outside the station.
I can't recommend just one, but if you can't find what you need along that street, I'd be very surprised.

I sometimes go to Kichijoji. Kichijoji is closer for me, and I bought an amp from there.
It was easier to get it back home.
They have two good guitar shops. One big, one small.
I found the link to the one closest to the station.

I think the other is Yamano Music...can't remember to be exact, but it's bigger and has a good selection of vintage guitars.

trunker 10-21-2009 11:58 AM

ochanomizu is the place to go.

the shibuya one is not bad but if you want a wide selection then ochanomizu cant be beat.

i think there was another one near the shibuya one but i cant recall exactly.

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