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madlove 11-04-2009 03:52 AM

I don't think it's that expensive.. it's the fact that japan is too fast-paced that bugs me.

aussielung 11-04-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by AlexLosAngelesCa (Post 780720)
Nobody, at least not me. Want to live like a hobo. Thats why I'm asking the question about price. I'm assuming $5,000 would be a bit more comfortable. In the end, I want a fun experience not a struggling one. :D

Yeah, $5000 sounds much more like it. On this last trip which was three weeks (I got home last weekend) I spent $2000 on airfare and accommodation alone and then another $1500 on food, drink, public transport, shopping and even managed a trip to Disneyland and Disneysea. So I spend $3500 in total for less that a month. If it wasn't for the fact that I have friends in Tokyo that I could spend time with I would have spent more but most of my socializing was done with friends who got me into clubs free or we just spent the evening talking crap over a glass of wine.

On my trip last year I spend about a $4500 because the airfares where higher and the hotel I stayed at was only like 15 min walk to Shinjuku.

Anyway, $2000 in my opinion is not nearly enough to have a good time in Tokyo for any amount of time longer than maybe a week or two. $5000 is good for a month to two months but you'll want to make sure you don't buy to much crap and opt for accommodation with a kitchen so you can at least have breakfast and the occasional dinner in your room rather than hitting a restaurant for every meal. Although AM PM and 7/11 (i 7 & holdings in Japan) do have some nice ready to eat stuff that can feed you for less that $5 a meal.

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