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nonokochan 11-08-2009 03:05 PM

Living in Fukui
Hi, everyone. I am newbie here. You can call me Amel. I want to ask how to live in Fukui-shi. Actually I will have a research there for about one year, and there's not much information about Fukui-shi. Can you help me for information about this city, living cost there, and how to get part time job. And in Fukui-shi I must rent an apartment, because the school which I'll do my research doesn't provide a dormitory for a research student. I'm kinda confused about it... I really really need your help. Thank you very much *bows*

Nyororin 11-08-2009 03:10 PM

My husband is from Fukui, and went to high school in Fukui-shi. What school are you planning on attending? Fukui-shi is fairly large (in size, not number of people, etc) so area makes a little difference. The cost of living is quite low, and apartments are cheap.

nonokochan 11-08-2009 04:19 PM

Ah, It's kinda relief to hear that living cost in there isn't so expensive. I'll do a research in Fukui Daigaku, in the south of Fukui City. How about part time job? I heard it's hard to find a part time job in Fukui, because it's a small city. Is that right?

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