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You are High qualified/ have special skills but you dont know what to do?!
ジャパニーズ・プロジェクト・プランナーズ(JPP)は、 ドイツのミュンスターをベースとする、日本と直接つな がりを持つ新しい組織の一つである。
我々は、多くのレベルで企画、組織化、意思の疎通を図 る。我々のチームは若く、様々なフィールドをそのバッ クグラウンドとする。例えば、日本に関する研究、ビジ ネス、スポーツ、観光そしてマネージメントといった分 野である。最低、6ヶ月は一緒にこの組織に働いてくれ� �インターンならびにフリーランサーを募集していると� �ろである。始まったばかりでダイナミックな我々のチ� �ムで、あなたに挑戦してもらいたい。産業ならびに関� �の業務に関わるチャンスと、考える機会もある。添付� �ていただくファイルは、それぞれ、2.5MBを超えないこと 。すべてのデータを、一つのPDFファイルに入れて送って いただくことをお勧め する。あなたの応募をお待ちしている。 JPP ヒューマン・リソース 我々のチームでは、様々なマーケットプロジェクトで仕 事をすることになる。その中には、上に挙げたフィール ドで、プロジェクトを分析・開発・実行することが含ま れる。応募者は、日本に関するすべてのことに興味を持 ち、我々の組織と一体化することとなる。 持参するもの: * 学生証、高校の卒業証明書、職業訓練または他の技 能の習得を証明するもの。 * マイクロソフトオフィスならびにインターネットを 使えること。 * 仕事のプロセスに意欲を以って関わり、柔軟性とや る気があること。 * 1人で仕事を開始し、完了する能力。 * コミュニケーションならびにチームワークの能力。 * 日本に関連したトピックに関心があること。 * 日本語、英語の能力(さらに韓国語、中国語ができ ればなお可) * 応募用紙、履歴書、各種証明書そのほか必要な書類 を2010年3月22日までに: jpp.europe @ gmail.comに送付のこと。 The Japanese Project Planners (JPP) is based in Muenster, Germany and is one of the young organizations with a direct link to Japan. We plan, organize and communicate on many levels. Our team consists of young minds from various fields, for example Japanese studies, business, sports, design, tourism and management. We are currently looking for interns and freelancers to work with our organization for at least 6 months. We offer you challenging tasks in our young and dynamic team. You will get the opportunity and insights into the industry and the related tasks. In our team you will work on several market-specific projects, including participation in analysis, development and implementation of projects in the areas mentioned above. You should be interested in all issues related to Japan and identify with our organization. You should bring along: - Student, high school graduates, vocational training or other additional skills - Proper use of the Office programs and the Internet - Commitment, flexibility and a willingness to familiarize yourself with the work processes - Able to Initiate, independent and thorough with working - Communication and teamwork skills - Affinity for Japan-related topics - Japanese English skills (an advantage, Korean and Chinese) Please send your complete application, documents including CV, certificates and other required documents until March the 22, 2010 to: jpp.europe @ gmail.com Please make sure that each attachment is not bigger than 2.5 MB. We would recommend compiling all the documents into a single PDF file. We are looking forward to your application. JPP Human Resources |
Interns don't get paid, right? :S This is also just for six months, so I doubt they'd be offered an actual job at the end of that time limit. . . So can I ask what's in it for the 'interns' and 'freelance' that apply? Do they get offered wages, or maybe just recomendations or experience at the end? Just I don't see why anyone would volunteer to be slave labour when you haven't really said what's in it for them :P
I am leaving this up because it is Japan-related, but in no way does it explain what position an applicant is applying for and what they would do.
What is your "direct link to Japan"? You "plan, organize and communicate" what "on many levels"? You offer what "challenging tasks" in what "young and dynamic team"? "You will get the opportunity and insights into" what "industry and" what "related tasks"? "In our team you will work on several market-specific projects, including participation in analysis, development and implementation of projects in the areas mentioned above." In what markets? In what areas mentioned above? It's like there is a paragraph missing. |
Don't you have a link to your company website? When I google, all I can find are ads like this one on public blogs and forums.
Is there any specific reason why an organization such as yourself is using a public provider 'gmail' e-mail address and not a company specific address? Who are you propositioning, besides? There are people of many different countries here, so what provision do you make for people currently living outside of Germany? Are they expected to move to Muenster or operate footlessly, and if the former, how can they expect to be aided in moving to, living and working in Muenster? More to the point, who should prospective employee's be propositioning? What's the name of the point of contact? What "other required documents"? I would recommend to other forum members that unless JPP can answer all the questions posed satisfactorily to not send them ANYTHING, and certainly don't send any personal information. PS: From what I can gather off of the old ads JPP was making this time last year (limited german skills, but still~): a) Same kinds of poor editing b) Same e-mail address c) Utter failure to address any questions d) Comments that were made rather inane; thus e) No real progress on the professionalism front since 2008- So even if this IS legit, I wouldn't want to throw my lot in on an internship at a company where the HR department does such a fail job and the company doesn't even bother to correct this or re-vamp any of their tech. Sounds like a bad deal. |
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