sarasi |
01-24-2010 10:49 AM |
Originally Posted by SSJup81
(Post 796625)
I really need to go back to studying it again, but my listening skills are still very weak.
When attempting the JLPT 3 back in 2008, I was weakest in the listening section. I just don't know how I can practice listening.
This is where just being in Japan is going to help you a lot, although if you want to improve your listening quickly/past a certain level you will need to make some effort.
Back when I was in university in my home country I failed the listening section of JLPT 3, because I had never been to Japan or really heard native speakers talk. It took me years to get around to taking level 2, but by that time I had been in Japan 6 years and listening was by far the easiest part of the test. Just hearing people speaking around you, watching TV and listening to the various announcements you hear will start to train your ear in no time.