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SakuraSan 03-15-2007 05:04 PM

There gooorrreous.
Thats why my username is it,not because of anime.
Its been overused in Animes =[
Oh well,
Its real prretty!:rheart:

CoolNard 03-15-2007 06:46 PM

Lol, thanks for the compliments guys.. ^_^ I don't know how else to express my gratitude.. sorry.. :pinkbow:

P.S. please post more sakura pics up, k? :D

Kuroneko 03-15-2007 06:52 PM

(I think I count as an old member not sure though)

Your welcome to use the ones I have on some of the other post i have made with Photos of Sakura in them.:vsign:

(I'd do it myself but I dont have much time)

Hisuwashi 03-15-2007 07:20 PM

(I count as an older member...)

Eh, good work CoolNard.. I would love to see the festival.

I've also heard it's great in autumn when there is kouyou kisetsu, or "the season when leaves change their colour." .... maybe I could start a topic about that.

Rikku777 03-15-2007 07:40 PM

Sorry, Cooly, yeah, I knew that...I've had a terrible day....

CoolNard 03-16-2007 04:24 AM

Right, right guys, if you want me to extend my dedication to you guys in my first post, just say so XD~!

Hisu: Hey, continue it here! I want your contributions too..! ^_^

Aww.. please don't apologize, Rikku.. You know I couldn't possibly get mad at ya... *hugs off the terrible day* >_<"

Kuroneko 03-16-2007 06:49 AM

Sorry If some of these photos suck (I'm a novice photographer with a Cheap (sucky) digital camera.

CoolNard 03-16-2007 06:53 AM

Lol, quit being modest already, kuro, you're a professional XD

Love the second one... so.. dazzlingly white... O_O"!

Have you got pics of sakura falling off from the trees..? Like, a whole rain of them..? It's so romantic.. I wouldn't mind kissing under falling sakura.. :p

Rikku777 03-16-2007 06:54 AM

Heck, a picture is a picture to me, don't matter, as long as I can see it! (hope Kira does not read this)
Can I ask where those where taken??

Kuroneko 03-16-2007 07:08 AM

I'm no professional I got Phone poles in the photos among other things.

Yeah I did have one photo with the falling sakura but i can seem to find it X___X

Well anyways here are some more

This is a Sakura tree named Takizakura that is over 1,000 year old,(this is extrealy old even for a Tree)

I missed photographing it when it was fully bloomed but got one with the green leaves

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