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CoolNard 03-16-2007 07:13 AM

:eek: A thousand years old!!!?

Awww... so sad you couldn't find it.. :pinkcry:

Owell, I'll settle for kissing under the one with the rainbow..... :D

Kuroneko 03-16-2007 07:38 AM

Ok more Pics ^_^ (just tell me if im posting to many)

Ok this is going to be cool Ok look at the Sakura in the distance in this Photo Its the same as the above.

Now I'm standing at the place you where just looking at and looking at the place where i was standing ^_^ (there about like 500 or 600 meters apart)

Same Sakura in front of it ^_^ (its really big look at the people on the bottom left)

This Sakura is a bit famous (it was in a movie)

CoolNard 03-16-2007 07:47 AM

No, you aren't posting too much, kuro! Keep it up, or higher if you can afford it! :mtongue: This is so much better than yahoo-ing or google-ing.. XD Holy crap... they're beautiful..

AoshiShinomori 03-16-2007 08:50 AM

I am an old member in the literal sense of the term :D

Nard-Kun - You've outdone yourself. I mean I knew you were good...but really this is taking the whole thing to a brand new level. I'm too impressed to write and you know that stands for something in my case :D :vsign:

Kuro-Kun - You are a barefaced liar if you say that you don't do photography well :D. Looking at your snaps I feel like I've just been to japan and back :eek:. You know, someday I'll get married and when I need to make an invitation card I'm going to ping you and ask for photos of sakura. You can bet your life on it trainy! :vsign:

CoolNard 03-16-2007 08:55 AM

Aoshi-kun: You could help by doing poems on Sakura.. :D:D

Mmhmmm.. I'm gonna do the same.. :Pinknod:

AoshiShinomori 03-16-2007 09:02 AM

Alas Nard-kun, my poetry has been sucked out of me by the marvelous Insane poet. :rolleyes: *Oh goody!*
My poems are now restricted to what I've put up on her insane dahlia thread.

Maybe if I see Kuro's photos long enough.... hmm! now there's a thought! :rolleyes:

WarumonoKyo 03-16-2007 11:07 AM

Kyo likes the Sakura tree...


just thought id state that for the record..
ill be on my way now...

*dissapears with a poof in black smoke*

CoolNard 03-16-2007 12:37 PM

Thank you for your appreciation, Waru-chan ^_^ glad I could be of service :cool:

maitrekong 03-16-2007 12:41 PM

thnaks lots for all informations i have never heard flowers has so much importance in japan :) very interesting to know that and it's really beautiful!! :p thanks

CoolNard 03-16-2007 12:43 PM

You're welcome, maitrekong *bows*

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