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(#1 (permalink))
coste21 (Offline)
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Getting a Drivers License in Japan *America - 11-08-2010, 02:38 AM

Well, I thought I'd start a new thread for this. There are several similar threads, but they just don't have what I'm looking for, and I don't really want to put my thoughts and questions up in them, with the title slightly misleading.

Anyway, I'm going to be going for my Driver's License, and will probably be updating this post area with new info and stuff, so that others who want to know the same stuff, can have something to work off of.

First, some quick info. I'm 21. Male. I came to Japan after graduating High School in 2008, and spent almost 2 years at a Language School in Tokyo. This year (2010) from April, I entered Nihon University's College of Engineering to study Electrical Engineering. My classes are in Japanese.

I'm not great at it, but I can manage somehow.

I've been driving in Japan with an official Japanese scooter license for a little over a year now, but winter is coming, and I've also just started a part time job. I'd like a car, and have been looking into a 3 year lease, and what that includes.

Enough with the intro. Now for the real stuff. The License.

I have read that first, you need a translation of you American License. AND the license can't be expired. okay, here is a problem. My license my mother renewed for me and mailed to me in August, so I have a renewed License. The one before that I go in April 2008, but I came to Japan in June of 2008. Before that, I received my drivers license (where I could drive by myself, albeit restricted) sometime around early 2007. So there is that proof.

I am hoping I can get some documents that proove when I first had that license, and so proove that I have been driving for over three months in my country.

With that, I would then go to the Drivers Center, and apply for the examination. This costs money, and takes time and documents, to sum it up.

1) The translation of my License. Is this only the renewed License? Or do I need to translate the documents that show I lived in America and drove more than three months before coming to Japan as well? (I know I can get the license translation done at a JAF nearby for around 3,000 yen.)

2) So I bring my passport, foreign registration card, everything I can that pertains to my American License, and $$ and a photo....is that it? or do I need my inkan (stamp thing), and apartment contract and stuff? (I'll be looking this up on the official website and posting what you need as well)

3) I apply, and take the '10' question written test. Is that correct?

4) An eye exam.

5) The driving test. From what I've read, there are Saturday practice lessons at times, and you can walk the course and stuff at certain times. But there is money involved, always money, and I don't have anywhere near 3k to fork out for a driving school, nor do I have the time it takes to go to classes.

6) I'm banking on my scooter driving to provide me with the jist of how the driving test will go, but if I can't practice first, I'm really afraid of failing like 3-5 or more times. In the end it should be cheaper than the driving school, but still >_<

So pretty much I'll be updating this forum with whatever other information I manage to find. But on the documents question, and maybe on some tips for how the driving part of the test goes? In America, I had to walk around the car, and look under it to check for leaks, and all that kind of stuff, but it's been a long time...what kind of stuff is usually expected? or what stuff did you fail on, or pass on?

Awaiting responses,

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(#2 (permalink))
coste21 (Offline)
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Required Documents - 11-08-2010, 03:15 AM

Acutally, I should have waited before I made the first post, but as for the documents that are required, this is what I got from Koriyama City in Fukushima Prefecture's DMV center.


登録原票記載事項証明書及び 外国人登録証明書

Taken from another site: What is "登録原票記載事項証明書?"

外国人登録原票を保管する市区町村長が、登録事項及び 登録事項に関連して外国人登録原票に記載されている内 容を証明するものです。日本人の住民票と同じような役 割を果たしています。

To sum that up, its some document that the mayor of the city or village you live in has certified, to prove where you live and all that stuff. It's the same as a "Certificate of Residency" i guess is what you could say, that Japanese people use.
BOTH the Foreign Registration Card, and that "Certificate of Residency."

写真1枚(縦3cm×横2.4cm、無帽、正面、上三分身、無背景� ��

1 photo, 3cm by 2.4cm, no hat, facing front, 1/3 of your (upper body), no shadow.

  ※ 交付(取得)月日のないものは、それが分かる書類 (運転経歴証明書等)を当該国から取り寄せて下さい。

Foreign License. (Also necessary are old or unusable licenses.)
If the license or document doesn't have the date of when you received it, then documents that prove when that was. (Driving Record from your local DMV in the states).

国際運転免許証、日本の運転免許証(有効または失効を 問いません)

An International Driving Permit, A Japanese Driving License *these aren't required, but if you have them please bring them.)

外国運転免許証の翻訳文(下記の機関で作成したものに 限ります)
  ※ 大使館、領事館またはJAF福島支部(024-546-0022)

A translation of your license. (blah blah contact JAF for the translation).

  ※ 免許を取得した国に3ヶ月以上滞在したことが確認でき るもの。
    確認できない時は、切替えができないことがありま すので,
  出入国記録証明書等の滞在していたことを証明でき る書類が必要です。

All documents that show when you entered or left Japan. Mainly the passport.
Something that can prove you drove in your country for 3 months after obtaining your license. When you can't prove it, most likely you will be turned away, but maybe you'll be okay with some document that proves the above document (like you passport, or whatever, or something that proves your proof of driving for over 3 months. I guess that means a photo copy of a driving record or something is acceptable?)

パスポートのスタンプから3ヶ月の滞在を確認します。 、免許取得国の滞在期間をメモし持ってきて下さい。

We confirm 3 months since the stamp on your passport. The length of time spent in country with license. Bring a memo of that with you.

・日本語を話せない方、読み書きのできない方は、必ず 通訳を同伴して下さい。
・書類審査の結果、免許取得の経歴を確認するため各種 証明書を取得していただくこともあります。

There are times when we can't process the application due to the document confirmation step.

If you can't read or speak Japanese, you must bring a translator.

Due to the document confirmation step, there are times when we request many documents proving the history of how long you have had a license.
geez that's alot of stuff >_<

Last edited by coste21 : 11-08-2010 at 03:19 AM. Reason: you should be your
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(#3 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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11-14-2010, 01:54 PM

If you have the expired license along with the renewed address, and they are both from the same state, you should be able to get around the 3 month requirement. If you don't have your old license you can order a record from the motor vehicle department in your home state. This can be done online, and paid for with a credit or debit card.

The hardest part of getting my license in Japan was the paperwork, the written test and driving test were not that difficult.

The best thing to do is bring everything you think you will need, and simply go to the license center. If anything is lacking they'll let you know. Sometimes they will still let you take the test if a requirement is not met, but you will end up with a learners license and a green leaf sticker which you will have to put on your car.

Good luck. Be warned that in most cases it takes at least 3 attempts for a foreigner to pass the driving test.
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(#4 (permalink))
utsu (Offline)
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11-20-2010, 09:38 AM

Be warned, in my case they stubbornly applied the 90 day rule to my renewed license from home. I was 2 days short to the 90 day mark and they wouldn't budge. It was hell.
Good luck!
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