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RadioKid 07-07-2023 12:53 PM

"FUJI, KEIKO" had been Japanese singer and was real mother of "UTADA, HIKARU".
Ask google if you don't know who UTADA is.

RadioKid 08-07-2023 04:09 AM

I can not remember if I already posted about "AWA ODORI(dance)".

"AWA ODORI" is dance festival held in summer originated in TOKUSHIMA prefecture and also imitated in KOUENJI, TOKYO.

AS you can see, there are female dance and male dance. And sometimes male dance is performed by girls.

RadioKid 08-14-2023 01:59 AM

She has been living in Japan for seven years. And still she tries to understand Japanese culture logically to fail.

In an experience of enjoying Japanese traditional dance festival, she found logical understanding is not necessary to "understand" foreign culture.

RadioKid 08-18-2023 02:23 AM

"AWA ODORI; AWA dance" exibision in France.

RadioKid 08-19-2023 12:31 PM

Fighting spider competition in KACHIKI, KAGOSHIMA pref.

It has 400 year's history and 4 years break for the COVID.

This guy is the official referee of the competition.

Detailed report (20min).

RadioKid 09-05-2023 05:46 AM

Noodles are made by cut, by pushed out and here is another way to make "SOUMEN".
SOUMEN is usually served in summer with iced bowl. Sometime it is called "NYUUMEN" served in hot soap.

RadioKid 09-06-2023 01:44 AM

More about "AWA ODORI" or AWA-dance (I love them). Focused on "MATSUMAE, RISAKO (age:21)" a leader of female dance in a group "EBISU-REN".

RadioKid 11-08-2023 02:39 AM

Population of Christian in Japan is less than 1% of whole Japanese population.

So, there can be such conversation as a joke like this:

Some Japanese: Is "Christmas" the birthday of ”Santa Claus" ?
Another Japanese: No. It is his death anniversary.

RadioKid 11-15-2023 01:56 PM

There is a music genre so called "(Japanese) City Pop".
Also there are some bars specialized on City Pop.

I found such "City Pop Bar" in Yokohama, which is named as "BLEU" (not "BLUE").

Refer to the TABE-log page of "Bar Bleu" or FaceBook page if you have FaceBook account.

RadioKid 11-23-2023 01:10 PM

Sorry to say, the "Bar Bleu" decided to close their business around the end of this year.

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