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Japanese things NOT known to the world
There would be many Japanese things which foreign people hardly know.
I will post what I guess such rare Japanese things. They could be right or wrong. Please point out if I am quite wrong. **** Nose pack to remove Black Heads **** ![]() To clean up the surface of the nose skin, make the pack wet and cover your nose. Wait 15 minutes to dry and fix the pack, and remove the pack with the black heads. ATENSION!! You might feel bad by watching this dirty movie!! |
YouTuber is a hard business. Japanese famous YouTuber "HIKAKIN" used 20 sheets of the remover on his face.
You might feel bad after 5:40. Stop if yo don't like it. Shave your beard before this treatment or you would get painful experience. |
**** 剣山:KENZAN;mountain of swords ****
What do you think is this? ![]() Instead of the name, it is actually the mountain of the needles. How do you utilize this? You can throw KENZAN to your enemy or you can have it in your palm at the handshaking. No, these are wrong. I brought KENZANs to oversea as the souvenir for business partners. But KENZANs are for girls or housewives. KENZAN is a flower folder. When you place KENZAN in a dish, you can stick flowers on it to decolate. Small KENZAN sometimes glued on the dish. |
**** 古墳:KOFUN;old huge tomb of Japan ****
ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites) recommend Japanese KOFUN as cultural heritage to UNESCO. ![]() I listed KOFUN in the list of "Not known to the world" before the news. We have over 16 thousands of KOFUNs in Japan which are made in 3 to 7th centuries. The largest KOFUN has larger footprint then the largest Pyramid in Egypt. FYI, there are some(less than 20) small KOFUNs in south west Korean peninsula. |
**** 蓮根:RENKON;Lotus roots ****
RENKON is a vegetable often served in Japan. You could see them in Chinese food but I have never seen. I guess only Japanese eat the Lotus roots. https://image.walkerplus.com/lettuce..._000.png?x=450 It tastes like potato with different texture. I like RENKON because of its texture. RENKON grows in mud. To get RENKON, farmers use water jet in the mud. |
I came across a site named "世界が知らない日本の絶景:Japanese superb views unknown to the world".
It has Language selector at the bottom of the page. Enjoy ! |
2 Attachment(s)
**** Seamless Aluminium Can ****
These pictures are canned coffee by Asahi. Watch it carefully. Can you see the seam on the can? This can would made form a coin size aluminium by press and adjustment to this shape. I was very impressed by this can because the cost of each can should be less than JPY 10. I mean it should be made without heat and perhaps in less than 5 seconds. I eagerly want to see the process of this kind of can. |
**** Work Wear with FAN ****
We have very hot days in summer. Here is an answer for the people who have to work in such hot days. ![]() It has battery which you can use as phone charger. |
**** 紫陽花:あじさい;AJISAI or Hydrangea ****
AJISAI is a flower originated in Japan. You might already know about it if you are interested in gardening. |
**** freeze dried foods by AMANO-Foods ****
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