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Japanese things NOT known to the world
There would be many Japanese things which foreign people hardly know.
I will post what I guess such rare Japanese things. They could be right or wrong. Please point out if I am quite wrong. **** Nose pack to remove Black Heads **** ![]() To clean up the surface of the nose skin, make the pack wet and cover your nose. Wait 15 minutes to dry and fix the pack, and remove the pack with the black heads. ATENSION!! You might feel bad by watching this dirty movie!! |
YouTuber is a hard business. Japanese famous YouTuber "HIKAKIN" used 20 sheets of the remover on his face.
You might feel bad after 5:40. Stop if yo don't like it. Shave your beard before this treatment or you would get painful experience. |
**** 剣山:KENZAN;mountain of swords ****
What do you think is this? ![]() Instead of the name, it is actually the mountain of the needles. How do you utilize this? You can throw KENZAN to your enemy or you can have it in your palm at the handshaking. No, these are wrong. I brought KENZANs to oversea as the souvenir for business partners. But KENZANs are for girls or housewives. KENZAN is a flower folder. When you place KENZAN in a dish, you can stick flowers on it to decolate. Small KENZAN sometimes glued on the dish. |
**** 古墳:KOFUN;old huge tomb of Japan ****
ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites) recommend Japanese KOFUN as cultural heritage to UNESCO. ![]() I listed KOFUN in the list of "Not known to the world" before the news. We have over 16 thousands of KOFUNs in Japan which are made in 3 to 7th centuries. The largest KOFUN has larger footprint then the largest Pyramid in Egypt. FYI, there are some(less than 20) small KOFUNs in south west Korean peninsula. |
**** 蓮根:RENKON;Lotus roots ****
RENKON is a vegetable often served in Japan. You could see them in Chinese food but I have never seen. I guess only Japanese eat the Lotus roots. https://image.walkerplus.com/lettuce..._000.png?x=450 It tastes like potato with different texture. I like RENKON because of its texture. RENKON grows in mud. To get RENKON, farmers use water jet in the mud. |
I came across a site named "世界が知らない日本の絶景:Japanese superb views unknown to the world".
It has Language selector at the bottom of the page. Enjoy ! |
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**** Seamless Aluminium Can ****
These pictures are canned coffee by Asahi. Watch it carefully. Can you see the seam on the can? This can would made form a coin size aluminium by press and adjustment to this shape. I was very impressed by this can because the cost of each can should be less than JPY 10. I mean it should be made without heat and perhaps in less than 5 seconds. I eagerly want to see the process of this kind of can. |
**** Work Wear with FAN ****
We have very hot days in summer. Here is an answer for the people who have to work in such hot days. ![]() It has battery which you can use as phone charger. |
**** 紫陽花:あじさい;AJISAI or Hydrangea ****
AJISAI is a flower originated in Japan. You might already know about it if you are interested in gardening. |
**** freeze dried foods by AMANO-Foods ****
**** 指さし確認:YUBI-SASHI-KAKUNIN; Confirmation by finger pointing****
”YUBI-SASHI-KAKUNIN” was started in Railroad conpanies and spreaded to the factories in dangerous environment. Foreign people may think it is nonsense but it works very well. You can see the training (at 1:50) and the effect (at 2:15) in this movie. |
Two activities are introduced in this movie.
1) SHIBUYA NIGHT TOUR Detail unknown, not free. 2) TOKYO WATERWAY NIGHT PADDLING 6 km paddling for 90 minutes JPY 7000. 7 people maximum. |
**** Auto-Race as Government Gamble ****
It is motor cycle race using this kind of motor Cycle with Suzuki 600cc engine. For details, refer to the Japanese page or English Page. |
**** ISHI-YAKI-IMO: Stone Baked Potato ****
When talking about the potato, Japanese will think "which kind of potato JAGA-IMO or SATSUMA-IMO?". JADA-IMO is the same potato as western people image and SATSUMA-IMO is often translated as "sweet potato". ISHI-YAKI-IMO is baked SATSUMA-IMO in heated stones. In Japan, ISHI-YAKI-IMO is often served on the car. Also,you can bake it by your self. He baked potato for 9 minutes. I think it is not enough. He should bake them for 120 minutes at least in this environment. Added interviews on the street. |
**** はたき:HATAKI; ****
HATAKI to clean up your room. |
**** じゅんさい:JUNSAI;Vegitable coarted by jerry ****
I actually have JUNSAI not so often while I like the texture of JUNSAI. How to cook. |
**** 断捨離:だんしゃり;DAN-SHA-RI ****
Let me talk about how KON-MARI concept was made. Simply and roughly talking, it began with MOTTAI-NAI, and then DAN-SHA-RI was proposed as the anti-thesis of MOTTAI-NAI. KON-MARI concept was created as a sophisticated style of DAN-SHA-RI. As rough explanation, MOTTAI-NAI: keep everything around you. waist nothing. respect the all efforts to create the things around you. DAN-SHA-RI: Throw away all things you don't use. Keep the things you are using not the things which can be useful. KON-MARI concept: Throw away things which does not excite (or "spark joy") you. As for me, I am still captured by "MOTTAI-NAI" and can not accept "DAN-SHA-RI". KON-MARI? hmm, she is not so bad. I can not explain these thing in detail refer to the movies. MOTTAI-NAI: One more "MOTTAI-NAI" DAN-SHA-RI: KON-MARI: |
**** KANI-KAMA ****
KANI(crab)-KAMA(KAMABOKO) is crab flavoured KAMABOKO which is know as SURIMI in Europe. ![]() KAMABOKO is smashed and boiled fish meat. Usually served like this. ![]() KANI-KAMA had been evolved in Japan and now it is very difficult to find if it is KANI-KAMA or real crab meat. |
**** 筍:たけのこ;TAKENOKO (Baby Bamboo) ****
Bamboo grows very quickly in his baby age (30cm/one night). To get baby bamboo in very good condition, you must find them before being appeared on the ground. How to cook it. Boil it for 45 minutes with NUKA. |
**** 奇妙なご神体:きみょうなごしんたい;KIMYOU-NA GO-SHINTAI (strange enshrinement) ****
I'm not sure if I exactly understand what "enshrinement" means. I mean "something important placed in a church or shrine to prey on it" like as holly body or part of holly clothes by "enshrinement" or "ご神体:GO-SHINTAI" in Japanese. Here is the enshrinement I'm going to introduce. Shrine maiden holds strange "GO-SHINTAI". ![]() Or Brides (married within a year) ride on the "GO-SHINTAI". ![]() As Japanese have different thought about the sex compared with the western world, foreigner might be shocked at these pictures. Japanese think it is the origin of the life while it seems to be a kind of weapon in western world. I'm afraid I could not explain enough what I think. Anyway, in those events, no one arrested for the "GO-SHINTAI" while you will be arrested when you expose your own "GO-SHINTAI" in public. There are hundreds of events with theee "GO-SHINTAI" in Japan. Then how about female "GO-SHINTAI"? Yes, there are a few female "GO-SHINTAI" in Japan I found. But I will not disclose here. Learn Japanese and search it by yourself. |
**** 鱧の骨切り:Cutting bone of HAMO ****
HAMO is expensive fish with white meat. But it has many small bones in the meat. Then, Japanese cook cut the bones into 1 mm length each. Listen to the sound to cut bones and find the skin is not cut. After bones being cut, it will be boiled in water and becomes like flower. ![]() |
**** Japanese 500JPY coin ****
500 yen coin has some secrets. "500 yen" in zero and hidden word "NIPPON". In 20th century, a certain country had issued coins with almost same size and weight as Japanese 500 yen coin (previous version). Japanese Government requested the country to stop issuing the coin bu they refused. The foreign coin had been used to tease Japanese vending machines. Therefore, Japanese government developed new version of 500 yen coin with high security. |
**** UNAGI ****
Neither SUSHI nor RAMEN is the best Japanese food. The best food in Japan is UNAGI (I believe). UNAGI is often served with a soup involving liver in it. Ans take attention to the seasoning "SANSHO" which I want to call it as "electric pepper". You will find what I mean when enjoy the "SANSHO". |
**** 風鈴:ふうりん: FUURIN (Wind Bells) ****
FUURIN is hanged just outside of a window to make cool(cold) feeling by the sound. In fact, an examination (not strict) by a TV show proved that the temperature on the skin of Japanese people got down while the temperature of skin of foreign people (who do not know about the FUURIN) got up. It was not a strict examination but Japanese people seemed to have got the characteristics as a conditional reflection. here are 12 examples of FUURIN sounds. 1. NAMBU Iron Three Bells 2. Sanukite stone @IBARAKI 3. Grass @OTARU 4. Handmade metal 5. MENOU(agate) @KAMAKURA 6. KASHIWAGI metal @ODAWARA 7. MYOCHIN fire chopsticks 8. NOUSAKU metal 9. NAMBU Iron (Small) 10. NAMBU Iron(Large) 11. NAMBU Iron(TDR version) 12. DAISO (100JPY shop) |
**** お通し:OTOHSHI;un-ordered service or Table charge with small dish ****
In IZAKAYA or drinking restaurant in Japan, you will face some small dish you did not order at the starting. It is called "OTOHSHI" meaning common (un-ordered or inplcit) order. It is actually the table charge with small dish as a service. In this movie, they recommend to turn on the subtitles. |
**** ラジオ体操:RAJIO TAISOU;radio exercise ****
If you wonder whether a person is a real native Japanese or not, there are many way to find it. Here is a sample. A native Japanese will perform this exercise with/without the music. This is the part one for all age from children to senior people. Here is the part two for adult. |
**** 風呂敷:FUROSHIKI;Square cloth to wrap ****
**** Bathing in Hot Sand ****
You can enjoy Sand Bathing at IBUSUKI (south end of KYUSHU island). |
**** 切腹ピストルズ:SEPPUKU PISTOLS ****
I like them though I don't know them in detail. They are in farmer's cloth around several hundreds years ago. |
**** 手持ち花火:Handheld Fire Works ****
You can enjoy fire works not in the sky but on the ground. |
**** 消防隊侵入口:SHOUBOUTAI-SHINNYUGUTI:Entrance for Fire Fighters ****
You will often see the red triangles on the building windows. They are marks to indicate the Entry point for fire fighters. ![]() The residents of the building should keep the area clear not to disturb the fire fighters. |
**** 駄菓子:DAGASHI; Sweets for children ****
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He is a famous Japanese comedian known as "TOSHI".
These days, the rumour says his photo eases the monthly pain of the girls. Though no one knows the reason, it works at least on some kind of girls. ![]() I don't know if it works on foreign girl. Anyway try ! I added another picture as attached. You can get his pictures by searching pictures in google for "TOSHI SEIRI". |
The Rumour of TOSHI.
Starts at 26:22. |
**** 結び:MUSUBI;Tying ****
**** Street Foods in KYOTO ****
NHK TV show "Cool Japan" is already known to the world.
In this show, it treats sweets (including "DAIFUKU") and snacks and is very interesting. |
**** 湯葉:YUBA:film of protein made from soy milk ****
When heated, Soy milk makes thin film of protein on its surface like as the white film on the hot milk. This is called as YUBA and used for Japanese food. Some people loves it very much and others do not. I personally do not like it so much. I will accept it when served but will not order it alone. In this video, left side girl loves YUBA very much and right side girl does not. Making YUBA by professional. |
DON'T MISTAKE these 10 Japanese GESTURES!
10 japanese things America needs.
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