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enyafriend 10-30-2007 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by kedzi0rs (Post 280456)
Ok are you Japanese? did you put a lot afford during your learning from the beginning, or you start learning year, two years before exams to Todai ?:)

Me? No, I'm not a Japanese.
Effort? Yes, plenty....to the point that you dream in japanese and speak japanese in your dreams.
I didn't go to Todai. Not interested. I was in Kanagawa.

AgnieszkaKonnichiwa 10-30-2007 09:15 AM

It's very good to hear that someone from Poland wants to study in Japan!

I'm from Poland too, and I'm studying in Norway right now.

I would love to live in Japan someday!! =)

kedzi0rs 10-30-2007 03:50 PM

why did you choose Kanagawa?
I see. I'm learning quite hard, harder then my fellows from school, but Japanese language I started to learn week ago :P i Have 2 years to learn it . Plz tell me, maybe there is better university in Japan for Computer Scientists then TouDai?
If i would show they my Matura Exam(it's test after high school) can they use them in any way ?

Agnieszka :D why do you study in Norway? Was it your dream?

But I know, that since now I need to learn more :) And work harder to achieve success :)

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