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TokyoFerrari 10-28-2007 04:47 PM

Roll call, Who lives here?
who is currently living in Japan?

jasonbvr 10-29-2007 03:08 AM

You could almost count the number of people actually living in Japan and on this forum on two hands. By my best estimate, there are about ten including myself.

masaegu 10-29-2007 03:14 AM

Yeah, about ten would be my guess, too. That is as far as 'active' members are concerned.

samokan 10-29-2007 03:23 AM

endangered species in JF :D

let me see ( just listing the active foreigners in japan ) : jason, nyororin, gaijizilla, vulgarshudder and me .. did i missed anyone??

and of course masaegu..

jasonbvr 10-29-2007 03:25 AM

If you were to ask who has lived or is living in Japan, that would be around thirty people. The overwhelming majority of posts on JF come from people who are not only not here or never been to Japan but also under 18 years old.

TokyoFerrari 10-29-2007 03:28 AM

Where in Japan is everyone from?

jasonbvr 10-29-2007 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by samokan (Post 280047)
endangered species in JF :D

let me see ( just listing the active foreigners in japan ) : jason, nyororin, gaijizilla, vulgarshudder and me .. did i missed anyone??

and of course masaegu..

Chachava, TokyoFerrari, and then there are another two or three in Tokyo whom I have forgotten there names. A few people posted or pm'ed me saying they were coming over for Nova or OES in Ota, but I've not heard from them since then.

TokyoFerrari 10-29-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by jasonbvr (Post 280054)
Chachava, TokyoFerrari, and then there are another two or three in Tokyo whom I have forgotten there names. A few people posted or pm'ed me saying they were coming over for Nova or OES in Ota, but I've not heard from them since then.

Prolly cause nove went out of business. lol

jasonbvr 10-29-2007 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by TokyoFerrari (Post 280057)
Prolly cause nove went out of business. lol

Yes, finally. I really hope they don't get bought up and back in the business. I mean it will be really bad for the students because most likely there will be no refunds, but there are a lot of small time eikaiwas that are ten times better.

Hatredcopter 10-29-2007 05:48 AM

Lived in Japan for one year as a student (8/06 to 8/07), heading back there at the end of next July for work (planning to stay for good this time).

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