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noodle 11-11-2007 12:57 PM

Japanese Health Service
Any information on the japanese health service?
Here are some questions i'd like answered if possible.

1- Is taking "health insurance" compulsory in japan?
2- If so, which company would you recommend for a "student" that spends on average more than "$1000 per year" on medication (this is ofcourse before getting refunds)
3- Do you need to register with a "General Practitioner" (normal doctor to visit for non-lethal illness)
4- In tokyo, how much does it cost per visit to a GP?

I have other questions, but they will be asked if someone can help me out with these for now... :vsign: Thanks

Nyororin 11-11-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 291755)
1- Is taking "health insurance" compulsory in japan?

As far as I know, yes - if you`re here over a certain amount of time. (Generally 3 months.)


2- If so, which company would you recommend for a "student" that spends on average more than "$1000 per year" on medication (this is ofcourse before getting refunds)
I don`t get what you mean by "company". Japan has national health insurance. There are no "companies", unless you`re referring to getting traveler`s insurance outside of Japan.
As it`s national, your insurance premium will be the same regardless of your condition. However, as the Japanese insurance doesn`t cover 100%, you`ll be paying a percentage of each cost incurred. (30%?40%? I forget.) That is, unless you have a disability or other condition which would make you eligible for 100% coverage.


3- Do you need to register with a "General Practitioner" (normal doctor to visit for non-lethal illness)
No. You can go to any doctor, any time.


4- In tokyo, how much does it cost per visit to a GP?
I don`t know about Tokyo, but I would guess it`s the same as around here. For just a general visit, it`s about 2500 to 3000 yen out of pocket.

noodle 11-11-2007 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 291778)
I don`t get what you mean by "company". Japan has national health insurance. There are no "companies", unless you`re referring to getting traveler`s insurance outside of Japan.
As it`s national, your insurance premium will be the same regardless of your condition. However, as the Japanese insurance doesn`t cover 100%, you`ll be paying a percentage of each cost incurred. (30%?40%? I forget.) That is, unless you have a disability or other condition which would make you eligible for 100% coverage.

By company I am referringm to "insurance" companies that will make the cover 100%...Does this not exist in Japan?
For example, here in france, there is the national health insurance which covers some of the costs of anything medical, but because I am regularly in need of medical attention, I have to get an excess insurance to make the cover 100%.
Another use of this "extra insurance" is for example; the GP that will cost me out of my pocket, would be refunded (this is how it works in france anyway)

Nyororin 11-11-2007 02:51 PM

Such services do exist, but I highly doubt you`ll find one which will accept you at this point. Your condition is already known, and no company is going to volunteer to give out more money to you than you would be putting in.

noodle 11-11-2007 03:48 PM

ok... would you be kind enough to read the "Health insurance" section on this link and tell me how accurate it?

New to Japan - General - Japanese Health and Welfare System

Nyororin 11-11-2007 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 291832)
ok... would you be kind enough to read the "Health insurance" section on this link and tell me how accurate it?

New to Japan - General - Japanese Health and Welfare System

It`s fairly accurate, but I do believe that the out of pocket costs have risen recently, and there was a HUGE change to the elderly plan. The ideas are right, but it`s a couple years out of date.

It also seems to be heavily weighed toward Tokyo - there are small differences between the regions, most visibly with up until what age children are fully covered.

Japan`s medical system has a bad image with foreigners, it seems, but I personally prefer it.

noodle 11-11-2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 291854)
It`s fairly accurate, but I do believe that the out of pocket costs have risen recently, and there was a HUGE change to the elderly plan. The ideas are right, but it`s a couple years out of date.

It also seems to be heavily weighed toward Tokyo - there are small differences between the regions, most visibly with up until what age children are fully covered.

Japan`s medical system has a bad image with foreigners, it seems, but I personally prefer it.

:) thanks a bunch for your help....

hehe, i'll let you know what i think about the health service sometime next year when i'm in tokyo... for me, the french system is THE BEST, from my poiint of view as i regularly need medical attention...

Nyororin 11-11-2007 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 291858)
:) thanks a bunch for your help....

hehe, i'll let you know what i think about the health service sometime next year when i'm in tokyo... for me, the french system is THE BEST, from my poiint of view as i regularly need medical attention...

No problem. :D I`m far too familiar with the Japanese system, as my son has many serious medical problems.

I have heard that the French system is very good, but I have never been to France to know first hand. Americans seem to have the most complaints with the Japanese system - hospitals here look like bare medical places, and not like hotels (as they try to in the US) so they tend to look unfriendly. But having spent time in ICU, and my son in NICU here, I would not trust my life to anywhere else.

MMM 11-11-2007 07:05 PM

I think the Japanese health SYSTEM is fantatic. The SERVICE I received was not good.

noodle 11-11-2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 292052)
I think the Japanese health SYSTEM is fantatic. The SERVICE I received was not good.

may i ask why you say that? what should i watch out for?

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