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noodle 11-18-2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by chachava (Post 299619)
They just said the exams are really simplistic in comparison to american examinations

Funnily enough, I studied mathematics in England (The University of Sheffield) and I was doing a lot more than 12hours a week...

hmmmm. i can't say anything about that because i don't know what either exam is like. i only know about french and english (they are identical almost).

as for your more than 12 hours... you had more than 12 hours of lectures or both lectures and tutorials?

chachava 11-18-2007 02:57 PM

18hrs of lectures (24hrs when doing masters), 6hrs of tutorials a week... was also doing around 20-30hours outside of lectures as well

noodle 11-18-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by chachava (Post 299621)
18hrs of lectures (24hrs when doing masters), 6hrs of tutorials a week... was also doing around 20-30hours outside of lectures as well

things must have changed then. because in oxford (i just asked someone who is there), he has 10 lectures per week (50 mins to 1 hour) and then he has 2 tutorials of about 1h to 2hrs depending on what he needs to ask or what help he needs to get!!!

for me in france, i have on average 13hrs of lectures and 27hrs of tutorials.. (some weeks, very rarely, i will have only 10 hours lectures and 20 hours tutorials, maybe 2 weeks in a semester)

guywalls 12-01-2007 10:43 PM

Am I the only one who feels that Odonata is being unrealistic? Does he really understand the change of culture hes moving into, let alone the difficulty of getting a job in Japan multinational company without any form of degree...:confused:

Oh yeahs the land lords over there suck pretty bad if you're a foreigner...the majority of them have outdated views of us...thinking we are kind of untrustworthy or wild. This is where a large multinational company would come in handy as they can act as your guaranteer, which makes renting out properities much easier.

But apart from that I thinks its pretty cool that you want a change of life style.

P.s whats with the talk of swords and lasers ... makes you sound uber dorky and moronic.

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