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KawaiiCat 11-26-2007 09:30 AM

room/apartment sharing...
i'm going back to tokyo next summer and i was just wondering whats the best way to find someone to share an apartment with, does anyone have any tips??? i've been looking online and i found some ok ads at gaijinpot.com, and some weird ones at "craig's list", but i'd like to hear any advice anyone has on finding a flatmate etc. or any experiences. thanks :D

Housetek 11-26-2007 10:23 AM

japanese houseing and apartments are extremely tiny...

i recommend a one bedroom flat.

with 2 people it gets mess very quickly and its very cramped.

out of the places i've stayed (yoyogi, takanawa, Hiro, Shirokane, and roppongi) i enjoyed living alone the most.

tomte 11-26-2007 11:51 AM

From my own experiences and what i have heard getting your own apartment would be the best option

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