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MarkDuff 07-09-2008 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 (Post 531530)
she says I'll get laughed at....I'm like, well...its harder shoppin for NORMAL clothes than it is for me to find a loli outfit i like.
yea, my dad took me to about 20 shops today for school clothes shoppin....i found nothin and instead got some manga

xDD lolz thats great but it sounds like me though get my jeans at one play and got to 10 diffetretn stores for my shirts >>

MarkDuff 07-09-2008 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 (Post 531530)
she says I'll get laughed at....I'm like, well...its harder shoppin for NORMAL clothes than it is for me to find a loli outfit i like.
yea, my dad took me to about 20 shops today for school clothes shoppin....i found nothin and instead got some manga

oh btw send me a pm or e-mail me at [email protected] sorry but I live in Missouri sadly x.x same for you to emmy ^^

emmygirl121 07-09-2008 05:45 AM

I live in a small town so i couldn't find anywhere to shop.
and i can't shop online cause im very small.

sometimes i make my clothes, but they don't turn out very well.
and yes I'm broke cause I spend ALL of my money on manga/anime

KikiBunny23 07-09-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by emmygirl121 (Post 531536)
I live in a small town so i couldn't find anywhere to shop.
and i can't shop online cause im very small.

sometimes i make my clothes, but they don't turn out very well.
and yes I'm broke cause I spend ALL of my money on manga/anime

i know what ya mean, im almost 14 and still wear kids sizes....except for jeans cus they are to short but i have been able to get away with wearin 14s before

the only clotes i have made was a dress and it still aint finished...the actual dress is but i havent trimmed or added anythin to it

emmygirl121 07-09-2008 05:50 AM

tiny tiny.
My mom can sew really well.

why is your mom worried about being made fun of?
if you have friends who are into japanese clothing, Or manga or anime?
They will understand

KikiBunny23 07-09-2008 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by emmygirl121 (Post 531541)
tiny tiny.
My mom can sew really well.

why is your mom worried about being made fun of?
if you have friends who are into japanese clothing, Or manga or anime?
They will understand

i live in a small town as well and word gets around fast...and knoowin me, i would want to wear it to school and only one other friend of mine wants to dress loli

emmygirl121 07-09-2008 05:58 AM

well you don't go to a private catholic school....

Im like the only one who isn't catholic too :(

None of my friends even know i like manga/anime
I have no one to go to conventions with

KikiBunny23 07-09-2008 06:03 AM

my friend used to go to a catholic school...but she hated it and changed. ive only been to one convention and that was like 2 weeks ago at persacon

emmygirl121 07-09-2008 06:05 AM

I\'ve been to a few.
but it would be better if i went with someone

Gackt21 07-09-2008 01:23 PM

Hey! I am not from the NY or NJ area.
I am in KY.
I will be your friend.

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