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Yahiko 07-09-2008 03:26 PM

Hi! I was born in NY and I love anime and all that stuff, maybe we can trade emails and be friends.

emmygirl121 07-09-2008 05:42 PM

Fine lets be friends :)

xDeathKittyx 07-09-2008 07:30 PM

hi :ywave: i live in NY :D
i can be your friend ^^ :mtongue:

thebeautifulnightmare 07-11-2008 05:29 PM

hiya! i dont live in the east coast but i hope we can still be friends! i live in Texas, so yea. lol but i love anime manga and anything japanese! J-rock! ohyea! Anyone like An Cafe?

QuoyaNatsume 07-11-2008 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by strawberryshinya (Post 514873)
im looking for friends that live in the u.s....>_> preferably on the east coast like in nj or ny...so we can have cool get togethers...like loli stuff! yeah im a loli... if not...im just curious too see how many people that are into jrock/anime/japan live around me and i was too far into my hole that i never noticed.

Well I live in New York City so really you're jus like a 1hr away from me^.^v I can take the PATH train I think or jus hav 1 of my friends drive me:D So PM me fro more info so we can link up. Oh yeah my sisters are also fans of Japanese culture & stuff so mayb we can do a lolita teaparty or sumthng??!!! PM me:vsign:

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