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HimeSina 06-25-2008 05:27 PM

Looking for friends from everywhere ( I'm French) ^.^
Hello, I'm new!
I am looking for friends or penpals from everywhere. I'm a girl who lives in France. I'm 16 and I speak a little English , Italian and German, we can speaking in this three languages (Msn,e-Mail..). I like japanese music (Jpop or Jrock) and of course am very interested in Asian culture. Hime Gyaru and Lolita are my favourite styles.

Thank you for your answer ! :D
(And sorry for my mistakes..)

PsaikoKyo 06-25-2008 05:34 PM

You can add me on msn, if you want.
I'm German, can speak English and learn French for 4 years (but I'm not so good in speaking it ._.'')
Like also J-Rock, Culture there and Japanese animation and Manga. ^-^

reihiino 06-25-2008 05:35 PM

Bonjour (or bonsoir depending on what time it is where you are at:D) I can be your friend. i'm learning French & Italian too! Feel free to pm me if you would like! and welcome to JF:ywave:

gn1225 06-25-2008 05:47 PM

Im from peru, and moved to the united states about 3 and a half years ago.
i can speak both spanish and english.
if you want to chat sometime here is my messenger.
just tell me that you are from japan forum to remind me. :vsign:

BlackGreenTea 06-25-2008 06:18 PM

I'm Mina! I'm from the US and I'm going to start taking French in school when summer break is over! I'm also learning German right now!
You can add me on msn! I'd love to talk! ^.^

lulu 06-25-2008 07:13 PM

Hello! I'm from Greece but I can speak Enaglish preety well and I know some French! It will be more difficult for me to chat in French but I'll do my best!:D SO! If you want me for your friend (something that I'd LOVE to be), then you can PM me anytime or add my MSN address! À bientôt! (Did I write it correctly?)

sparklyninja 07-10-2008 08:11 PM

heeey ^^
still looking for people to write too? I'm swedish and Im turning 16 in November ^^ I speak a little tiiiny bit of french. But I speak english well. Just send me a pm och mail. My mail address is on my profile ^^:D

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