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yamiNOyaro 07-05-2008 12:32 AM

Im from Yemen looking for a japanese girlfriend
fluently talking arabic & english , and studying for japanese 8 months already
right now looking for a japanese girl to be friends and learn the language:)

dare mo inai no???:confused:

clairebear 07-05-2008 12:36 AM

Do you mean girlfriend as in someone you want to date, or girlfriend as in someone you just want to be friends with..?

VampireGirl1314 07-05-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by yamiNOyaro (Post 528328)
fluently talking arabic & english , and studying for japanese 8 months already
right now looking for a japanese girl to be friends and learn the language:)

dare mo inai no???:confused:

hate to tell you this but people will be thinking that you want a girlfriend that you go out with and stuff so you should say friends that are girls. so people wont get the wrong idea.

Beata 07-05-2008 03:14 PM

Yemen? isnt that a muslim country thats very strict which technically would prevent you from having foreigners as girlfriends. Ive had female friends from various arab speaking countries and they all said the same thing. Those countries aren't flexible and it would never work out unless you move to a non arab country and prob japan in your case.

asouatiqah 07-05-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Beata (Post 528677)
Yemen? isnt that a muslim country thats very strict which technically would prevent you from having foreigners as girlfriends. Ive had female friends from various arab speaking countries and they all said the same thing. Those countries aren't flexible and it would never work out unless you move to a non arab country and prob japan in your case.

u dont really understand muslim well..so dont do quick judge!

Hellkite 07-12-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by asouatiqah (Post 528735)
u dont really understand muslim well..so dont do quick judge!

thats right! i am persian, and the system is not so strict everywhere! so, it would not be such a problem for you i guess! :D

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