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Raymon 07-13-2008 05:28 AM


I'm new here in this forum. Im looking for friends from all over the world epecially asian people. I've been in perth in australia for study english and i met there a lot of asian people. I really had enjoy this time in perth and i'm glad that I could met people with a different culture.
In my spar time I was mostly hanging around with japanese and korean people and it was such a great time. Now im looking for some snail and email friends. My english is not so great but I hope it's good enough. Well here are a little bit about me. I'm 24y old and i'm living in switzerland. I can speak English German and Spanish and just a few japanese words:D

So feel free to contact my:)

Slykaz1 07-13-2008 05:35 AM

Welcome to JapanForum! Hope you enjoy your visits with us! :D

HikaruTwin 07-13-2008 06:16 AM

Welcome^^ Please enjoy your stay =D
Oh my gosh I sound like a hotel clerk. lol.
If you wanna talk you can pm me anytime.

Raymon 07-13-2008 06:43 AM

Thanks for the welcome HickaruTwin and Slykaz1:) HickaruTwin i will send you soon a pm

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