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rosendomuyo 07-14-2008 12:22 AM

looking for a japanese girlfriend
i am new to all this i have been on hear i am looking for a japanese girl to just be friends and see where it go:rheart:

AmbeRz 07-14-2008 12:40 AM

This isnt a dating site..

Ronin4hire 07-14-2008 03:34 AM

Sorry man but that just sounds creepy. Get some game.

Also why do you want a Japanese woman in particular? I mean at the end of the day... sooner or later you're going to have to see her as an individual rather than as a "Japanese woman" so what's the point? It sounds like you want a doll not a girlfriend.

Koir 07-14-2008 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 535809)
Sorry man but that just sounds creepy. Get some game.

Also why do you want a Japanese woman in particular? I mean at the end of the day... sooner or later you're going to have to see her as an individual rather than as a "Japanese woman" so what's the point? It sounds like you want a doll not a girlfriend.

...the manufacture and procurement of such, again, is found elsewhere on the Internet and not on this site.

Ronin4hire 07-14-2008 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Koir (Post 535812)
...the manufacture and procurement of such, again, is found elsewhere on the Internet and not on this site.

Ummmm..... OK... thank you computer. :quesballoon:

Hellkite 07-14-2008 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by rosendomuyo (Post 535775)
i am new to all this i have been on hear and now i am looking for a japanese girlfriend or a japanese girl to just be friends and see where it go:rheart:

nice! i hope the best for you man! :D

jrocka83 07-14-2008 06:53 AM

Give the guy a break, yah maybe he is looking in the wrong place. But I understand where he is coming from:) .

Ronin4hire 07-14-2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by jrocka83 (Post 535867)
Give the guy a break, yah maybe he is looking in the wrong place. But I understand where he is coming from:) .

Hey... I have no issue with the guy looking for a gf on here... just think he comes across like an otaku-type with a fetish for Japanese girls.

Just saying the guy needs to get some game that's all :vsign:

AmbeRz 07-14-2008 08:28 AM

Er, I just got a PM from a guy saying he's looking for a Japanese girlfriend :confused:

1) I'm not Japanese so..
2) Everyone wants a Japanese girlfriend..do they have super powers that we dont know about? o.o..oh wait..asian fetish..thats it. xD

Gabanz 07-14-2008 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by rosendomuyo (Post 535775)
i am new to all this i have been on hear and now i am looking for a japanese girlfriend or a japanese girl to just be friends and see where it go:rheart:

EeEeww.. i know japanese girls are hot and cute but u sound soooo... desperate and insincere!

Hellkite 07-14-2008 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by AmbeRz (Post 535909)
Er, I just got a PM from a guy saying he's looking for a Japanese girlfriend :confused:

1) I'm not Japanese so..
2) Everyone wants a Japanese girlfriend..do they have super powers that we dont know about? o.o..oh wait..asian fetish..thats it. xD

i maybe understand this guy. i for example love japanese girls, because they act so cute. i mean, their faces are so sweet! and that some of them are small makes them even cuter! hahaha! maybe, thats why he likes them too! :D

AmbeRz 07-14-2008 08:33 AM

Pft, not every Japanese girl is as sweet as sugar :D

Hellkite 07-14-2008 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by AmbeRz (Post 535914)
Pft, not every Japanese girl is as sweet as sugar :D

i have a japanese gilrfriend myself. here the link. scroll down, to the end of the page. she is the very right persin of this picture. the girl with the blue t-shirt...oh, i could eat her! :D


Gabanz 07-14-2008 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by AmbeRz (Post 535914)
Pft, not every Japanese girl is as sweet as sugar :D

agree with u on that one :) Amberz ur cute too :ywave:

Hellkite 07-14-2008 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Gabanz (Post 535923)
agree with u on that one :) Amberz ur cute too :ywave:

indeed she is cute too! never said she is not cute! :D both of you are cute! :D
but i stick to my love, Ai Hosokawa! :D

Ronin4hire 07-14-2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Hellkite (Post 535913)
i maybe understand this guy. i for example love japanese girls, because they act so cute. i mean, their faces are so sweet! and that some of them are small makes them even cuter! hahaha! maybe, thats why he likes them too! :D

Ugh... there's nothing wrong with being interested in Japanese culture. And chances are that if you're interested in Japanese culture you'll chances are you'll find a Japanese woman or a woman who shares your interest in Japanese culture.

But as I said before.... the way you talk makes you sound shallow, like you want a doll not a girlfriend.

Not to mention you show your ignorance when you believe such exaggerated stereotypes.

Hellkite 07-14-2008 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 535931)
Ugh... there's nothing wrong with being interested in Japanese culture. And chances are that if you're interested in Japanese culture you'll chances are you'll find a Japanese woman or a woman who shares your interest in Japanese culture.

But as I said before.... the way you talk makes you sound shallow, like you want a doll not a girlfriend.

Not to mention you show your ignorance when you believe such exaggerated stereotypes.

Funny statement! :D but i really love her! And real love for me is, well, when you are together with your partner forever! :D

Ronin4hire 07-14-2008 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hellkite (Post 535935)
Funny statement! :D but i really love her! And real love for me is, well, when you are together with your partner forever! :D

Haha... that sounds kinda psychotic.

Well who am I to judge... if you love her then good for you :)

Just telling you how you come across.

Hellkite 07-14-2008 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 535949)
Haha... that sounds kinda psychotic.

Well who am I to judge... if you love her then good for you :)

Just telling you how you come across.

oh, ok. does not matter. i see, you are learning japanese. how is it for you? maybe, pm me. thanks!

and for you my friend here, do not give up! you will find her for sure! :D

Ronin4hire 07-14-2008 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Hellkite (Post 535954)
oh, ok. does not matter. i see, you are learning japanese. how is it for you? maybe, pm me. thanks!

and for you my friend here, do not give up! you will find her for sure! :D

Huh? :quesballoon:

No offence but I don't think we'd be good friends. Let's just say that based on this thread I think our personalities would clash (Just keeping it real.... nothing against you personally.)

As for wishing me well in finding "her"... ummm you don't know me.

Hellkite 07-14-2008 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 535966)
Huh? :quesballoon:

No offence but I don't think we'd be good friends. Let's just say that based on this thread I think our personalities would clash (Just keeping it real.... nothing against you personally.)

As for wishing me well in finding "her"... ummm you don't know me.

well, i actually meant the guy who opened this tread with finding her. and well, ok then! no problem! :D

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