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AlxaKlutchii 10-07-2008 03:57 PM

Looking for a tons of friend all over the world ^^
Hello all ^^' My name is Virginia (but u can call me whatever u want) i'm 16 (soon) and i'm looking for friends :D i'm from france and i can talk english,italian,spanish,romanian and a little bit russian and japa 8D if u want to add me here u go: [email protected] and i'm going to make a new yahoo id cause the one i'm using now is...ehm...weird here u go: [email protected]

Yanni 10-10-2008 01:11 PM

Hello! I live in Canada! im trying to make new friends too! Im 19. I have an aunt who lives in france!! XD
Be nice to talk to you!

chocolate 10-10-2008 01:28 PM

hi i am Hadeel, 17 years old girl from Dubai

taro 10-10-2008 03:00 PM

Hey all the best in search of good friends. Pretty names and pretty places.

JonasGirl7 10-14-2008 03:34 AM

Hey I'd like to be your friend! I trying to learn many different languages and I wanna learn about all different cultures and making worldwide friends!

kaelazors 10-14-2008 08:08 AM

wow i wish i could speak that many languages. anyways nice to meet you! ^^

xxJustMexx 10-22-2008 08:28 AM

Hey I'd love to talk to you and be your friend.:D

OddyStrix 10-22-2008 09:11 AM

hey, id love to be your friend :)
pm me and ill give you my email

nickrampage 10-25-2008 01:01 PM

I'm going to France soon :D In like.. 2 or 3 months :3
I'm from the Netherlands btw xD
Anyway PM me if you want and I will give you my Email :)


kyo_9 10-25-2008 03:58 PM

hey, I'm from Malaysia but currently studying in Japan.. lets be friends, feel free to PM me anytime :D

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