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-   -   Just another US girl looking for friends--Japanese, or from anywhere! (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/looking-friends-ads/20147-just-another-us-girl-looking-friends-japanese-anywhere.html)

CGFchan 10-18-2008 11:41 PM

Just another US girl looking for friends--Japanese, or from anywhere!
Hey! I'm Kat!

Well, I guess the title pretty much sums it up. I'm a people person, I love Japan and Japanese stuff, and I want to learn the language. But that's not for this part of the forum. Anyway, I'm a science-fiction fan, mostly all Stargate, and Farscape, etc, as well as the Japanese stuff. I'm a Christian, but if you're not, don't worry, I don't freak at people about it or push people or anything, cause I know that only makes people mad. I love everybody! (Except my mom and brother sometimes...lol jk, but they are annoying.) I love to write, and do computer graphics and web design, and I hope to do all that stuff when I grow up. *giggle* Listen to me. I'm 17 already and I still say it that way. I've got to come up with something else to say.

So, I love to talk to people, and if I can meet Japanese people here, that's awesome, and I'd love to meet people from other places too! We can e-mail, or I have both MSN messenger and Skype. My e-mail is [email protected]

Thanks for any replies either here or on e-mail, and have a great day! God bless!


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