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nickrampage 10-23-2008 01:39 PM

Lookink for a Japanese Pen-Pal!
I'm Nick and i'm looking for a Japanese or other Asian friend!!
Because I would love to have one (WAY MORE THEN ONE!!!):3

But If you are from any other country then it's cool as well !
Love making new friends around the globe!

I am from the Netherlands btw! xD
Dus ben je Nederlands?? Kan je ook gewoon een berichtje achterlaten!! Lijkt me leuk people! :3.


Nick Rampage

Tphilakone 10-24-2008 02:38 AM

i nick i'm tor
i'm from laos nice to meet you here
i also want to make friend with other country

nickrampage 10-24-2008 11:39 AM


Nice to meet you to!!

and your name is awesome :pinkclap:

Can i add you to my buddy list btw??

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