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-   -   I Needsa friend who is learning japanese or knows japanese x) (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/looking-friends-ads/24813-i-needsa-friend-who-learning-japanese-knows-japanese-x%29.html)

gravis 04-28-2009 04:59 AM

I Needsa friend who is learning japanese or knows japanese x)
I'm very interested in learning Japanese and would like to learn very badly. I am very dedicated to studying. Of course study isn't all I talk about though! I like games, art, electronics, and music too! So please I would love to have a friend that would be able to lend me a hand in my lonely studies XD. (I love other languages besides Japanese by the way as well.)

koekoeka 04-28-2009 04:13 PM

I would love to study Japanese with you! Add me on MSN:

[email protected]

misoluv92 04-29-2009 01:47 PM

how 'bout me?

Originally Posted by gravis (Post 705659)
I'm very interested in learning Japanese and would like to learn very badly. I am very dedicated to studying. Of course study isn't all I talk about though! I like games, art, electronics, and music too! So please I would love to have a friend that would be able to lend me a hand in my lonely studies XD. (I love other languages besides Japanese by the way as well.)

I'm learning Japanese right now,too!
In fact I'm taking the AP Jap this year's May 7th, so I'm not thaaaaat bad hehe.
my email is [email protected] hope to get an email from you!

Yuusuke 04-29-2009 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by gravis (Post 705659)
I'm very interested in learning Japanese and would like to learn very badly. I am very dedicated to studying. Of course study isn't all I talk about though! I like games, art, electronics, and music too! So please I would love to have a friend that would be able to lend me a hand in my lonely studies XD. (I love other languages besides Japanese by the way as well.)

learning it also
we can help each other out

[email protected]
or PM it would be easier to email me X_X

kyo_9 04-29-2009 05:14 PM

hey.. I'm studying Japanese too..
hell, I even manage to study in one of the universities in Japan too..
I can be your penfriends..
just PM me anytime u want.. I make sure to reply it to you ASAP..

kei0kusanagi 04-29-2009 05:21 PM

I wanna learn japanese, I been learningit by myself and dont even know if I am getting them right or not. I can speak english of course @_@ and im from the States. My msn is [email protected] if anyone wants to chat for fun, just add me. :confused:

AnimeBaby112 04-29-2009 06:52 PM

Hey! Learning Japanese too! PM me anytime.

koekoeka 04-29-2009 07:06 PM

Oh yeah, and you can ofc PM me =D

WanJumperz 05-03-2009 03:29 AM

i learning it too

MonkeyBoy 05-10-2009 01:06 AM

hellooooo i recently started a japanese course feel free to msg/pm me anyone :P
[email protected]

Ja mata! lol see i just learned that

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