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Dreeo 05-03-2009 02:20 AM

New to this site trying to get to know ppl =)
Hi, writing this at 4 in the morning =D soo tired :pandasleep: But still can not sleep xD

So i thought that since i'm new to this site i can just start a "newb" thread ^w^
So here it goes! :mtongue: I'm a very social person and spend my days either hanging with friends or just staying home and listening to music *music being a very big part of my life*
And i also speak Swedish, English and Spanish fluently (spelling?) and if you can count it, sign language :rolleyes:
Oh, and before i forget! I'm 16 soon 17 years old, dreaming of someday (soon i hope) getting to live and study in Japan! :) I have just recently started slow learning a little Japanese ^^
well, don't know what more to write and it seems to me like i wrote too much >.< xD hope ppl will respond :)

Peace out! :vsign: :ywave:

Skuu 05-05-2009 06:13 PM

Heya. I'm replying cause I'm new and learning japanese too. :)
I'm 20 from England. I only know English. D: But I'm studying intermediate Japanese at the mo and teach beginners Japanese.
Hope we can chat.


TenmaAi 05-05-2009 06:16 PM

Hello welcome To JF!!
Hope you'll have fun!!
I'm from Belgium and recently started here also ^^

nobora 05-06-2009 01:38 AM

well welcome what you see here at JF is what we have LOL.
But anyways hope you enjoy it here~!
And try goin to sleep at that time not healthy at all*says someone who cant sleep either cough*

SaintKat 05-06-2009 03:07 AM

Hello and nice to meet you!

android27 05-06-2009 03:32 AM

Hi, I'm also new here...Nice to meet you !

Ja mata!

KitSeraphina 05-06-2009 04:04 PM

Hello! ^.^ Hope to see ya around.

Dreeo 05-07-2009 12:52 AM

Thx for the replys ppl ^w^ if any1 wants to, they can add me in msn and we can talk more ^^

I'll be seein' u in the forum ;O


TenmaAi 05-07-2009 10:26 AM

You can add me on MSN if you'd like !
The adress is on my profile!! :D

kawaionigiri 05-07-2009 10:33 AM

I'm also new here..

so plz ignore me if I have mistake :D

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