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-   -   Hanging in Tokyo for 1 month, Looking for friends there. (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/looking-friends-ads/24998-hanging-tokyo-1-month-looking-friends-there.html)

Debi 05-07-2009 05:03 AM

Hanging in Tokyo for 1 month, Looking for friends there.
Hello to anyone who take the time to read that post.

So I'll be in Tokyo from May 19th to June 16th.

I'm going there alone so I wish I could know as much people as possible.

I rented a cellphone and should post the number pretty soon.

So if you are interested to go drink a tea, walk in Shibuya, drink a beer, sing at karaoke or simply chat in the middle of nowhere, just tell me :vsign:

If you still hesitate, I'll add that I'm 25, easy-going and nominated as the more friendly canadian of all time :rolleyes: (not quite but pretty close !)


essy 05-09-2009 11:50 AM

hey we could hang out if u dont mind im 19 though just moved to tokyo,havent seen much of the place.pm or email me at [email protected]

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