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(#1 (permalink))
Tejou (Offline)
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New Yorker seeks people for internet Japanese Variety Show - 06-30-2009, 01:40 AM

It's summer, I'm bored, and I'm feeling artsy. Sadly, the artsy thing I want to do can't be done alone because I have no camera, specific inspiration, or a good enough Japanese vocabulary.
What am I planning? A TV show. Or for now an Internet show, a variety show of sorts.
I want to sit down with a group of like minded people who are up for chatting, reporting, and acting in the Japanese language that live in New York City or are willing to travel. Of course since it's the internet proximity is not necessarily important, but nothing beats laughing and goofing around behind the scenes in person.
I have no real ideas at the moment, but that's for the best you know, so that when I get a group going I can't be all "Hey it's all my idea, listen to what I say!"
A talk show sounds delightful but requires a good Japanese vocabulary, so I wouldn't be able to maintain it. Acting is something I've always wanted to do and with a few fluent speakers of Japanese we can work on a good script together. Reporting, or whining, about new things in the world sounds fun too. So I've dubbed it as a variety show for extra freedom!
Interested? Equal bonus points to people of Japanese descent and those who aren't.
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(#2 (permalink))
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burkhartdesu (Offline)
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06-30-2009, 01:55 AM

Who's the target audience?
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(#3 (permalink))
Tejou (Offline)
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06-30-2009, 02:39 AM

Hm, teens, young adults, I think. It'd be easier to target them, being one.
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