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gr1ffith (Offline)
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Earth Quake: Interview - 03-20-2011, 08:02 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm a student in Oxford Brookes University where I study digital media production.
As a project, I'm shooting a short video about the natural disaster that happened in Japan, in order to increase the awareness to this tragedy among the students of my university.

That's why I'm looking for some people, living in Japan, and whiling to have a quick chat with me on skype or any other software.
Can you please let me know if you:

1 ) Are Japanese, living in Japan and wanting to share with me your experience

2 ) Can introduce me to someone among your friend or family that could share his experience.

Thank you very much, I hope that some of you will be interested!
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(#2 (permalink))
mubasher198411 (Offline)
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Why people are not saved who believe in gods. - 03-21-2011, 05:22 AM

I posted a thread in which i said that these earthquakes are because the humans have forgotten to worship God.Question was raised why people who believe in God are being saved then.

Its first answer is that saying with tongue that we believe in God is not enough untill someone obeys God's orders and commands sent by His prophets.Those who obey God's orders and commands and obey His prophets are being saved from such huge disasters.Examples can be given from history,...
1.In the flood of Nooh, all nation destroyed but Nooh and his companions survived.
2.In the earthquake of Loot,all nation destroyed except Loot and his companions.............etc..

SAimilar is history of all other prophets.Similarly, in today's ages, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has claimed very clearly that he who obey him by heart, will be saved from such type of disasters etc.....and ahmadiyya community's 100 years history is witnessed of this fact that God saved ahmadies (followers of Hazrat Mirza Gulam Ahmad) in many huge disasters.......
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