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08-11-2008, 06:41 PM
Lilith kept looking in awe at the door her daughter just ran out of. No one made a move to stop her; after all, she was the daughter of the head family.
“Just like her father.” Lilith whispered half to herself, “I should’ve known she wouldn’t take this well.” Vincent stepped out of the corner into the dim light, “I’m sorry My Lady. Would you like me to retrieve her?” Lilith shook her head in disapproval, “No. Let her calm down; I don’t want to put any more strain on her body.” “You have high expectations for your daughter My Lady.” Vincent added, “Are you still going to have William be her mate?” She looked over at Will with a glare, “How can I refuse, he’s already imprinted on her. We do that after the first bite.” Will began growling, strain growing on the chains that bound him, “She doesn’t have to live this life! The old ways are dying Lilith and you know this! You’ve always known this!” She began laughing, “They began dwindling with the death of your father didn’t they William? After you dispatched him yourself?” “SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH!” Will screamed trying to break the chains to get over to where Lilith stood. She turned back to Vincent, “Have Yiichi follow her will you. I don’t want anyone getting any stupid ideas while she still retains her human-like qualities.” Vincent’s expression turned into surprise, “That talking cat? Are you sure she’s reliable after the last job you gave her?” Lilith nodded, “I think Yiichi is just the comforter for Caterina at the present time.” An adult, black cat with a white diamond mark in the middle of its forehead stepped through the open crack of the door, “You rang, My Lady?” Lilith turned to her, “Ah! Yiichi! What a surprise! You always seem to know when you’re summoned.” Yiichi sat down in front of her, “Cats do have an acute sense of hearing, My Lady.” She seemed to chuckle, “I suppose you want me to tail (no pun intended) the mistress who just burst out the office doors?” Lilith nodded, “Would you please?” Yiichi bowed to Lilith and left the way she came. Vincent turned back to Will and said. “I don’t see what your problem is. It’s not like she won’t be protected here when she reverts to her old self you know?” He sighed, “I didn’t like the idea of her staying with that old witch/hag to begin with.” Will growled, “Don’t you talk about Cecilia that way! She is Kari’s true grandmother, and you can’t deny her rights to see her grandchild like she has been.” He shook his head as if to clear it, “She shouldn’t be going back to living as a vampire, even if it’s to keep the bloodline strong so our race can survive. You won’t get away with this, mark me! The council will take action and eliminate you for good!” Lilith laughed loudly, “On the contrary William, I think they, with most certainty, will not get to us. Do you have any idea just how many of the members belong to our society?” She spun around in a circle, “They have no power over our clan! I can’t say the same for you William. You’re the last one left of your family…just a fly in the ointment compared to us.” Will bowed his head in exhaustion from the struggle and lack of food, “You forget it was my Grandfather who started the race. My blood is stronger than yours Lilith.” She sniffed the air, “We will see…” … I kept glancing behind me every few seconds that I was running. I had gotten past guards that had been watching a patio area. So I stopped to catch my breath. The inside was beautiful, surrounded with exotic trees and plants covering the outside perimeter. It was almost like something from a dream constructed by a child’s imagination. “Wow…I can’t believe its soo big!” I muttered as I marveled at the painted ceiling. From the double doors leading into the place, came a soft, female voice, “You should like it. It was made just as you wanted it to be.” I turned quickly expecting another woman like Lilith, but instead I saw no one. “What—” I tried to ask but she spoke again. “Down here My Lady.” The voice belonged to a black cat with a white diamond on its forehead, “I see you’ve finally calmed yourself down a little.” I gave her my most surprised look, “Yeah…before you walked in the door.” I could’ve swore the cat chuckled at me, “Most beings have the same reaction as you did; trust me, I get that a lot around here and the jobs I go on. It’s a rough life being a talking cat.” I tilted my head to one side inquiringly, “You wouldn’t happen to be a shape shifter would you?” Gran made a big speech on not trusting them. “No…not exactly.” She explained, “I am Yiichi, Lady Lilith’s personal messenger. I have one other form beyond the one I am now…and that is the human-like shape.” I shivered, thinking of how much more beautiful she would be compared to me, “So why did Lilith send you out here to stalk me?” She sighed, “Always for the mistress. I hate my job.” I gave her my best-surprised look before I asked, “Why?” “I am what humans would call, an entrepreneur. I dream of being a fashion designer for all realms.” She sighed and looked down at her paw, “But I owe Lilith my life, so I have to work for her. I remember your younger days Kari; you and Will couldn’t be separated; it was soo adorable.” “Don’t change the subject. Why did you come here after me?” She gave me a death glare; “I am supposed to comfort you, though I do not think you need it from me. I think you need William more than anyone else right now.” “I hated seeing him bound up like that.” I mumbled remembering the image of Will wrapped in chains, “I still don’t understand why I was put under some kind of spell to forget my heritage though.” Yiichi sighed, “It was for your own good child. You’re the only heir to this line and if something were to have happened to you back in the warring days, our family would dwindle.” I looked down at her mournfully, “I sound soo spoiled.” “Will got the same treatment, except he wasn’t put under a spell; just heavily guarded.” She began swatting at a fly that had been buzzing around her head, “You haven’t had any flashbacks of any kind have you?” “No…” I replied slowly, “Just visions. Gran says that I might possess a little bit of precognition.” Yiichi digested this, while keeping the fly trapped under her paw. I kept waiting for an answer, but she kept quiet. “What? What’s so interesting about precognition?” I asked annoyed. She shrugged, “Dunno. It’s not a quality that you find in Nosferatu.” She then bent down and ate the fly, “Mm…you don’t see many of those roaming this far underground.” I gasped, “We’re underground?” Yiichi gave me a look like I was supposed to already know, “This is only a part of an underground city, made my Nosferatu, to live without the threat of interference from other nations. We live in peace, except for the occasional fledgling that escapes for a night out on the town.” “So that’s where all the myths of attacks come from?” I asked her taking another look around the room; still not believing it was underground. Yiichi replied, “Yes. That is one unfortunate part of being Nosferatu—the accusations of others, the blame we have to endure for the things that one idiot created.” “But you’re not a vampire, why should you care so much?” I wondered out loud. She answered quietly, “I do not care much for the witch that I serve, as you may already be able to tell. But the others, who have nothing to do with this cult of hers, they are just like lost sheep with nowhere else to go. I pity them.” “Now you’re scaring me.” I grumbled, “so, when are you taking me back to her?” Yiichi gave me a pessimistic look, “It’s up to you. She has Will remember? Aren’t you going back for him?” She had a good point; I couldn’t leave him there with them. Who knows what they would do to him because of me. I couldn’t let that happen. I would have to go back and listen to what Lilith’s demands were. “Let’s go Yiichi. Thanks for the chat.” I began making my way to the door. I had my hand on the doorknob when she spoke again. “On the contrary, let me thank you My Lady.” I turned to see her bowing, which looked like a stretch, “I’ve made up my mind to leave this Order and join you, wherever you may travel.” I couldn’t stop myself from staring at her in disbelief, “Are you serious?” She nodded, “Of course. Now let’s get William back. My torture senses are tingling.” I shivered as I followed Yiichi out of the room and back to Lilith’s office. … ![]() |
08-22-2008, 02:25 PM
Will looked up to see Kari enter the room with the deranged cat. He began to frown; he was sure she would’ve gotten further, maybe even escaped by now.
“Welcome back Yiichi, Kari.” Lilith greeted them warmly, “I see you’re feeling better?” Kari nodded, “I wanna know now how long you want me here.” She took in a breath and let it back out before saying, “I don’t wanna stay here. I was happier on the outside, and I’m sure me and Will could keep the bloodline going without staying in this city.” Lilith was appalled by her short speech, “How could you say such things Kari?” She shook her head disapprovingly; “Your family is here with us, with me. I’ve waited so long to see you again.” Kari scowled, “And why is that ‘Mom’? Why didn’t you just come to Gran and me earlier? What’s been holding you back all of this time?” Lilith was at a loss for words so Will gave Kari the truth, “It was a court order, and she had to take a blood oath not to come in contact with you again. Now that she’s broken that, it’s only a matter of time until the Council finds out.” A low hiss escaped Lilith’s lips, “That was a false charge. The council went too far!” Will continued, “She was found turning innocent humans into vamps in an effort to create an army of newborns to overthrow the Council. Lilith here wanted to rule the worlds.” Vincent hit Will across the face with a metal bar he had been holding. Will picked his head back up slowly. “Then, with all do respect, I wish to leave.” Kari said going over to Will, “And he comes with me to the surface.” Lilith began laughing, “I’m still in charge my sweet daughter. And you won’t be going anywhere.” She signaled for Vincent to grab Kari and two more bodyguards to contain Will. They did as ordered and began to leave the room. “Hey! Let me go! Where the hell are you taking us?” Kari screamed. Will looked over at her through a black eye, “Just go with the flow, everything will be fine Kari. Please don’t struggle.” Lilith took her seat behind her desk, “Listen to what he says dear.” She lit a cigar; “I think you two should have some time to bond a little more; so I’m locking you both in a special part of the dungeon.” Yiichi finally spoke, “Don’t you think that’s a bit much, My Lady?” Lilith looked at her curiously, “When did you start caring Yiichi? Yes, I think it’s perfectly right.” “Of course. I apologize for intruding My Lady.” Yiichi bowed and left with Will and Kari. … I could tell, just by the looks of the dungeon, that vamps really lived life to its fullest. Why am I saying this? The dungeons were freaking tricked out, that’s why! Will sat on a loveseat opposite of the comfy chair that I claimed. Our prison was an oriental themed room, with Kanji on the walls and red and black colors for everything. A small fridge fit snugly beside the stove in the corner kitchen. There were three other rooms beside the kitchen; the living room, bathroom, and one—count em’—one bedroom. This whole thing was making me skeptic. It was more like a honeymoon sweet than a prison. “What in hell’s name were they thinking when they built their prison’s like this?” I asked Will, trying to break the silence. He looked up at me in surprise, “Most Nosferatu don’t misbehave, so prison was made for the purpose of reminding the prisoner of life on the outside. It’s basically intended to drive someone mad.” I nodded, “Oh. That makes a lot of sense.” “And this cage we’re in now is basically a breeding room. I didn’t want to say anything earlier.” He finished mournfully, bowing his head. I was at a loss for words; it took me a minute to finally come up with something, “What the hell does she want from us both?” Will shrugged, “Pureblood children?” “Ewww…” I shivered. “Well…I guess she just assumed that fucking each other was the only thing on our minds. She’s such a one-track woman; if she’s even a woman at that.” He chuckled at himself. “Ok. So what are we supposed to do now? I’m sure they’re watching us from hidden cameras. They’ll probably kill us if we don’t get it on soon.” Everything was looking to be a downer. The last thing I wanted to do with Will was the nasty. He shrugged again to my amazement, “Pretend?” I squinted at him, “How the hell do you plan to pull that off without them knowing dumbass?” “What? You want to do the real thing? It’s that or get a spoon and start digging up.” His voice was growing more agitated. I sighed, “I’m sorry for upsetting you Will.” He froze, “What are you talking about?” “You sounded annoyed at me. I know I’m not making things any better than they already are.” Will got up and came over, pulling me into his arms,” Please don’t be like that.” He whispered in my ear, “We have to work together if we want to get out of this hell-hole.” I nodded, “Alright. No more emo stuff.” I could feel him smiling, “Good. Now look at me.” His eyes met mine and stayed there as he bent down and kissed me again. It was better this time; he pulled me tighter to him, almost to the point where I couldn’t breathe. I waited for him to stop, but he kept it going on and on until I heard a cough from behind us. We broke apart quickly to see Yiichi sitting on the low, glass table. Obviously, we just ruined her evening dinner. “Hi Yiichi.” I grinned, still out of breath from the whole kissing ordeal, “What brings you to the honeymoon sweet?” She gave us both a dead stare, “My evening meal is ruined. Thank you.” How did I know these things? That last guess wasn’t even due to having precognition. “I’m sorry. We got kind of caught up.” I apologized. “Quit apologizing. We don’t have time, if you want to escape from this place, you will listen carefully to me.” She scratched her left ear once and looked back up at us, “You don’t have to pretend anything. I’ve had the guards disable the cameras and put in some ‘re-recorded taping’ instead. What will look like you two ‘getting it on’ will cover up what we’re really doing.” Will looked at her astonished, “How did you get the guards to agree to this?” Yiichi gave us a cat smile, “They want a new order in the Nosferatu city; they’re turning against Lilith.” She shook her head, “No time for this. I better shift.” Before anyone could ask what she meant, Yiichi jumped off the table and faded into a human-like shape. When she faced us, she still had the same golden eyes, but her skin was albino white and she had short black hair, cropped an inch below her ears. Her outfit was a silk, black top with a moon crescent in the center and a pair of matching, poofy Capri pants. For a little flair, she had ribbons crisscrossing down her legs and arms. “Wow.” I said, still trying to recover from my amazement. Will shook his head, “So how exactly do we get out of here?” She grinned, “Through the door.” As if on cue, two guards opened the double set of steel doors out of the room and bowed as Yiichi made her way out. “Aren’t you coming?” She called after us. Thinking that they would close the doors back on us, we hurried after her. The guards smiled warmly at us. “Creepy…” I whispered trying to catch up to Yiichi. ![]() |
09-27-2008, 05:29 PM
Aww man!!
You can't keep doin this!! >_<* I need more!! Hope you have some more before this month ends so you can put up more for October. ![]() ![]() Stalker To-Excessum GirlFriend to-TheUnknown Crazy Brother-Narutocrazy101 Big Brother-SeeD Gatekeeper-animedude3 -Tasty Cream Pie To-Diru0gaze Son-Thunda Talkative romantic brother-Powermad147 Auntie-tiki808 Auntie to-Eiri& ML Kittie w/ Wings-Hoshichan ![]() +~Member of the Tenjho Tenge Clan Member-Maya Natsume+~ Member of the THE PERVY CLUB!! ~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLaN+~
09-29-2008, 01:30 PM
Lilith began tapping her long fingernails on her desk impatiently waiting for Will and Caterina to finish. They had been going at it for hours from what they could see out of the surveillance cameras hidden in the room. The pureblood line of Nosferatu would be carried on through the children of Will and her daughter.
She got up then and went over to a fledgling monitoring the couple on a laptop computer and asked, “Have they emerged from the bedroom yet?” He shook his head mournfully, “I’m sorry, My Lady, but no they haven’t. We could be here a while.” He smirked a little where Lilith couldn’t see him, obviously a follower of Kari. Lilith growled, “I’m going down there to see if they are truly breeding. This is taking too long.” He looked up at her, “Please, My Lady, this isn’t something you can rush. Think of the conditions they’re in.” She looked at him severely, “Are you telling me that I can’t do something? You’re inferior to me Kiel! I will not have you telling me what I can, and can’t do!” Kiel took a sharp intake of breath; he didn’t think she would want to go down there so early. He still wasn’t sure if Yiichi had gotten them out of there yet. He had to buy them more time. “My Lady…” He began, “I implore you to wait a little longer. I have a feeling that they will emerge soon.” After he told her this, the computer screen flashed Will and Kari exiting the room in robes. Lilith grinned, “I guess I should listen to my underlings more often, they seem more useful than I thought.” Kiel tried not to laugh and replied, “Thank you My Lady.” Good luck Lady Kari. We’re counting on you down here. He thought as he stared at the laptop. … I was beginning if we would ever see the light of day again. Yiichi had us running for hours it seemed; after we had gotten out of the room, we followed her up a flight of stairs into the city—which was freaking huge—and ran through there until we found another flight of stairs. She mentioned something about these being the last set. “Yiichi, how much longer?” I asked breathlessly, “Don’t you think they’re on to us by now?” She shook her head in disapproval, “No. I have connections down there. No phone calls,” Yiichi pulled out a cell phone from her pants pocket, “means no trouble.” Will didn’t seem to buy it, “Are you sure; they could’ve been found out by now. You must remember that there still are some Methuselah that are still loyal to Lilith.” Yiichi stopped suddenly on a landing. (Did I mention that landings going up were clear? You can see right through them.) She looked at us appearing aggravated. “I do understand. I’ve taken the liberty of preparing for this. I knew that Lilith had been planning this for a while now; everything has been in place for at least 10 years.” She sighed, “We need to get above ground and to the Council. They’re expecting me to bring you safely to them.” I looked angrily at Will, “And you wanted me to stay with you instead of them, huh?” He shrugged, “I didn’t know something like this was going to happen!” Yiichi rubbed her temple with both hands, “This is getting us no where! I can’t take listening to you like this!” She became surrounded by thick black smoke and when it cleared, she was now a large, black Pegasus. Will chuckled, “Where did you find the time to master this look?” Smoke started coming out of her nostrils, so I guess that meant that she was a fire-breathing Pegasus, “I had to come up with something for children in the nursery, now get the hell on!” I didn’t delay. I ran up a few stairs to give me a boost and threw myself onto her back; Will did the same fearing Yiichi’s wrath as much as I did. She took off quickly and flew the rest of the way up. I don’t want to burst any child’s dream of riding a Pegasus, but to tell you the truth, you DO NOT want to ride a Pegasus when it’s pissed off. I’m not much on fast, crazy rides so I stay away from amusement parks. This would probably be the only time I ever ride Yiichi in this form. Someone was going to have to carry me off of her; I felt horrible. “Yiichi….” I tried to control the urge to throw up, “…how much further do we have to go before we see the light of day?” It took her a minute to answer me; she was obviously somewhere else in her head, “We’re almost there. You sound shaky…are you alright?” I forced the words from my mouth, “No…no I am most certain that I’m not alright.” I felt Will’s hand cover my forehead, “You have a fever Kari.” I could’ve turned around and hit him, but I probably would’ve fallen off Yiichi, so I didn’t try it. Instead I attacked him with words. “Good observation. I’m glad you’re such the doctor.” I heard Yiichi mutter something incoherent after I said ‘doctor’. I’d have to ask her about it later. I looked up to see the doors atop the stairs; I came close to crying. Fresh air and sun sounded great. The doors then opened on their own and we went through. To my disappointment, it was dark and the stars were out in the meadow that lay covering the underground city. We dismounted Yiichi so she could transform back into a cat. “It’s easier for me to move this way. Less energy is burned.” She explained as she hopped on my left shoulder and moved to lie across them both. I groaned, “I have to carry you the whole way back? I’m not even sure where the hell we are!” She chuckled, “I’m a living GPS, My Lady.” “Don’t call me that. It feels weird.” I shivered. The last thing I needed was to be addressed like royalty by a talking cat. Will took one look around, “This isn’t Lavaria…we’re still on Earth, in the human realm.” “That really helps Will. Thanks.” I muttered angrily. Will looked back at me innocently, “I know exactly where we are, and I was just trying to break you into it slowly.” I pulled myself together and sighed before I got the urge to strangle him and Yiichi, “Ok. So where are we exactly?” “Stonehenge.” He replied simply. “Stonehenge?” I asked shocked; there was no way we could be at Stonehenge. He pointed to the dark shapes around us, “This is Stonehenge. There are all the giant rocks that make up the pattern.” Yiichi added to Will’s little History Channel review, “Humans thought aliens…it was really vampires with disguised planes filled with Laughing Gas.” She chuckled, “We had to make them high in order to sneak back into the city through this entrance.” I took a look around myself and I finally realized that they weren’t lying; this was defiantly Stonehenge. I wondered how many more entrances the Vamps had to their underground city. There might even be one in Gran’s back yard; the thought of that made me shiver. Will noticed and shrugged off his jacket to give to me. I waved my hand at him, “I don’t need it. I just had a weird thought, that’s all.” Will sent me a look of uncertainty and reluctantly put his jacket back on, “I just don’t want you getting sick on me. The last thing we need is to carry you around on my back 24/7.” “I can’t get sick remember? I’m really a vampire.” I growled at him. He looked stunned, “Please don’t go this way; you’re not a full vamp. There’s other blood lines in you too don’t forget. There’s a chance that you won’t turn out this way.” I looked up at him sadly, “You don’t know that. I could wake up in the morning and attack you out of the blue out of thirst. Sometimes I wish I was never even born!” Will grabbed my shoulders and stared directly in my eyes as he spoke, “Don’t ever say that again. Do you understand me? You have no right to say something like that when you haven’t experienced everything life has to offer—unlike me; I’ve been around the block a few times.” Yiichi finally interrupted, “Ok. I think it’s about time that we get moving again. You two forget the one’s who will be following us soon.” Will sent Yiichi a nod and threw me up on his back, “Let’s go.” Without time to protest, Yiichi and Will took off across the countryside at blinding speed. I wanted to come back one day and see Stonehenge again when I wasn’t running for my life. I could even bring a picnic lunch. After running for about a half hour Yiichi finally slowed in front of us, “I have a car waiting in Barcelona, from there it will take us to the airport. I plan to get into Lavaria through the border near Cecilia’s home. There’s a barrier to ward off any trackers so getting to the Council should be a piece of cake.” “Should be…” Will muttered, “What do you mean by should be?” Yiichi sighed, “There’s a small chance that Lilith’s guards could sense our location through the barrier. That’s if she has a seer.” I was wore out already and just wanted some sleep so I added, “Less talking, and more getting our asses to Barcelona please!” Will gave me a venomous look, “We will, but it’s better to know what we’re up against here Kari!” “Oh gee, I’m sorry! It sounds like I might be pissing you off just a little.” I growled back. He threw his hands into the air, “Are you just now figuring that out? You were always so freaking slow!” ![]() |
09-29-2008, 01:30 PM
“Well if I’m soo slow, then maybe I should turn back into a vampire! Then I’d be able to kick you ass from here to Antarctica!” I screamed back at him.
This time it struck a nerve somewhere deep in Will’s brain. He turned away from Yiichi and myself, “I don’t want that. Let’s go see the council. We’ve wasted enough time.” Without my agreement, Will picked me up and threw me onto his back. Yiichi raised one eyebrow, “You want to carry her like that? I could always go back to the Pegasus form.” “No.” Will replied flatly and took off in an unknown direction, that I had to guess, would lead us to the long-forgotten airport. Yiichi shrugged and followed along without any complaints. I guess she knew better than to piss off a vampire high upon the nobility board. We were quiet the rest of the time we took getting to Barcelona. … Sometimes Kari could be such a pain but I can’t abandon her now. I promised my father a long time ago that I wouldn’t. Being the family heir wasn’t as cracked up as it was supposed to be. “She’s fallen asleep, I believe.” Yiichi pointed out from behind me. She knew that I had known Kari was asleep on my back the whole time; she just wanted to break the silence. “I know.” I replied, trying to keep up the unnecessary conversation, “We should be reaching the airport soon right? She’ll have to wake up then.” Yiichi chuckled, “Not really. I have a private jet waiting to take us ‘home’ as you call it.” I snorted, “I guess you’re running the backstage show now, Yiichi?” It took her a few seconds to come up with an answer; “Well…I don’t plan on doing this for much longer. It’s Kari who will take over governing her people. I’m not a vampire—” “She hasn’t crossed over the line yet. As far as I’m concerned she’s still fey like her grandmother.” I retorted. Yiichi sighed, “You’re going to have to get over the fact that she will eventually change. Her family has known this since the day she was born. You were intended to be her mate after that; you were meant to be her guardian William.” Father drilled this into my brain already, but I keep hearing it over and over. Facing the facts will come eventually, I know that, but for now I just want to keep Kari safe. I thought glancing over my shoulder at Kari’s sleeping face. Losing her would mean losing myself. “The airport is up ahead through those pines. I’ll go ahead and alert the pilots. You stay here and get the princess up, ok?” Yiichi scampered off through the trees ahead of us. I stopped and strained my neck as far as possible so I could wake Kari, “Hey. We’re here. Yiichi said get up.” Nothing. I knew this would be harder than Yiichi made it sound. I loosened her arms around my neck and bent down so I could slide her off my back onto the grass. She still wasn’t awake when I turned around to look at her; the morning dew would wake a normal person, even a vampire! This girl slept like a freaking rock. “Kari! Wake the fuck up!” I said in a loud whisper. She grumbled something and went back into a coma, “Oh my God…” I bent closer—I didn’t want to resort to doing this because she would kill me later—and kissed her softly on the lips. I’m sure the last thing she wanted was my tongue in her mouth. Her reaction was to be as expected. I got a scream and a good, solid hit to the face. I shrugged it off and thanked whoever’s in charge upstairs, that it wasn’t a bullet. She was still yelling a few minutes later, “What the hell were you trying to do? Didn’t you try screaming in my ears or something.” I covered her mouth with my hand, so we would attract anyone else to our little scene, “I did actually; you were sleeping like a rock. I had to do something because Yiichi wanted you awake when we got on the jet.” Her mouth dropped open in amazement, “A private jet?” I nodded, not wanting to explain all of the details, “You should make Yiichi your personal secretary or something. That woman can do almost anything, I swear.” “And what should I make you? My man-whore?” I tried not to let my temper get out of control again, “although I do value your sarcasm Kari, I don’t think now is the time for it. Yiichi is heading our way.” Before she could retaliate anymore, Yiichi showed up behind her, “Hello from Planet Bitch, this is Earth calling for landing.” “Is everything prepared?” I asked innocently. She nodded and pulled Kari up from the ground. I got up and brushed off the grass on my knees. It would be a bitch to get out the next time I did laundry…wait…I didn’t do laundry. I took it to the drycleaners. Why was everything so hard to remember? ![]() |
09-29-2008, 01:31 PM
I didn’t know they had started leaving until Yiichi called after me from the group of trees a hundred yards away, “Hey William, aren’t you flying with us?”
I shook my head to clear it; I was beginning to think I should get a bite of something before I went to the Council. They wouldn’t like me if I were thirsty. “Yeah.” I answered Yiichi and caught up with them in a matter of strides. Kari rolled her eyes, “off in his own little world.” I didn’t retaliate when she threw that at me. I had other problems to worry about, like not killing them both on the plane ride home. Yiichi led us to the small jet, where two bodyguards stood at the foot of the stairs. I recognized one from Lilith’s office as Kiel. The other was new. Yiichi must’ve sensed my confusion and introduced them both to us, “William, Kari, these are my personal assistants, Kiel and Criss. They will be traveling with us to see the Council.” They both gave us a small bow saying, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you both.” Kari looked uncomfortable, having being treated like royalty like this. I was used to it and I wished that she didn’t have to be around these people. I spoke up to get things moving, “Let’s get out of here, before they find out what happened.” Everyone nodded and we boarded the jet. I never gave the landscape behind me another glance the rest of the way home. … The plane ride took longer than I expected it to, which made the space inside that small room even more unbearable. Yiichi had made herself right at home and was playing poker with Kiel and Criss, Kari on the other hand, was trying to catch a few “z’s” on the other side of me. She turned over again and opened her eyes, “Will you tell them I don’t need to hear their whole game of strip poker!” I chuckled at her irritation; “Yiichi can’t take much more off with you awake. Go back to sleep, you need the rest.” “No, what I do need is some unnecessary cold medicine. There’s no way I can sleep without meds to get me through this.” She grumbled sitting up. I put my hand on her shoulder to keep her from looking for meds, “Don’t drug yourself. The last thing I need is to present your OD corpse to the Council.” She glared at me once and sighed, relaxing again, “Fine. You wanna play Yu-Gi-Oh or something? I’m bored.” I smirked to myself, “You don’t want to join in on strip poker? I’m sure you’d love to see me in my birthday suit.” I deserved that slap to my face, I’ll admit it, I had it coming…it was funny to watch her face turn beet red. “You stupid bastard!” She screamed at me, but I just smiled more. Surprisingly, she didn’t hit me that hard. Kari’s face was still red as she looked away and replied, “Yes…Have you looked in a mirror.” Yiichi and the others turned toward us with looks of shock on their faces. Yiichi was the first to speak. “Oh. My. God! Was that a lover’s confession!” She squealed, “C’mon William! Take it off, take it ALL off!” Kiel could barley manage to add on to Yiichi through his laughter, “Yeah man! Let’s see what’s under those dark jeans of yours.” We looked at Kiel skeptically. Apparently there was a side of him that no one knew about. “Well…would you like to explain why you got so excited?” Yiichi asked Kiel, shuffling the cards in her hands, “I’m sure it’ll prove interesting for all of us.” Kiel was quiet then and looked away from everyone, “Never mind.” Criss shrugged, “Back to the game I suppose.” And turned back around in his chair. Yiichi did the same while saying to Kari, and me, “I think it would be best for her if she went to the back room William. Be a gentleman and take her there; I fear that she might have flight sickness.” This was Yiichi saying that she didn’t give a damn what Kari and I did when we were out of her sight. I did get up and picked her up off the couch. “C’mon crippy.” I laughed. She scowled, “Shut up. I don’t need to hear it. I just wanna sleep.” I smiled. I’ll admit, she looked cute curled up in my arms. So just for kicks I replied back, “Oh…I don’t think you’ll be getting any sleep tonight.” “You’re dead Will.” Were the last words she muttered before passing out in my arms. I knew she was going out even before she spoke. I kicked the door open to a small room with a bunk bed stashed in the corner and a small desk on the other side. This part of the jet seemed insignificant compared to the other room, but it suited Kari just fine. ![]() |
09-29-2008, 01:31 PM
“I wonder if she likes the bottom…?” I wondered out loud. I decided to go with laying her on the bottom. If she didn’t like it, then she could kiss my ass; I was too tired to care.
Standing up, I peered down at her again. Her eyebrows were scrunched together, still full of stress, even in her sleep. That was so like her, well, her human side I guess. I didn’t remember much about her from my childhood—I didn’t even see her face for that matter—so the thought of Kari returning to her vampire self was like Kari becoming someone I didn’t even know in my eyes. Deciding it was time for me to leave, I bent down to kiss her cheek, when her hand flew out suddenly, and grabbed my shoulder. In her sleep she began mumbling, “Please, Will, don’t go…I don’t wanna be alone. Why do you have to go when you were meant for me?” The lump that grew in my throat then had kept me from breathing. Had I gone too far? Did I feed too much as to revert her to her old self? What had I done? The questions were flying through my head quicker than a bullet train, but I couldn’t let my other side take over; the fight wasn’t over yet, Kari would remain human and I would be there to protect her. Her grip didn’t loosen, so I took the liberty of detaching myself. Knowing that Yiichi didn’t care, I climbed into bed beside Kari. I didn’t know then that I would regret doing that later on. … I was definitely groggy when I opened my eyes to find Will sleeping next to me. Though he wasn’t really sleeping, vampires couldn’t do that; they could drift off in thought and go into a trace-like state, but not sleep. Still, even with my imaginary hangover, I freaked a little. Sucking in my breath, I managed to detangle Will from me before reality came back to him. He opened his eyes; they had turned a bright red, and stared at me hungrily. “Will…um…I don’t know what happened last night but I think it’s best if we put it all in the past.” I tried to bring him out of his trance, but I could tell it wasn’t working. He came even closer, grazing his teeth along my throat. If I had any idea he was this thirsty, I would’ve left him back at Stonehenge. I’d already come close enough to changing back to my vampire form, and I didn’t want to go through that again. Not wanting to take this anymore, a shoved myself away from him, “No Will! I wanna keep my blood to myself thank you!” “Maybe you shouldn’t, maybe you should give a little to me Kari…just a little, and I won’t take much. I promise.” His voice was soft, but guttural, “I’m so thirsty. You don’t want me to suffer do you Kari?” I gulped, he was almost convincing. If you’ve ever heard the little rumor about vampires being able to put someone into a trace so they would succumb to their will, it’s true. Being a supernatural being myself, I thought I would be immune to this ability; apparently I wasn’t. My eyelids started drooping and I got that ‘floatey’ feeling. “Don’t do this Will.” I managed to mutter before Will sank his teeth into my neck, again. I wondered how my blood tasted to him? Was it better than regular human blood? His fingers ran through my hair slowly, as if Will was memorizing the texture of it all. It felt great; I’ll admit it, even with the large amount of blood he has already taken from my neck. A minute later he looked up at me with the same bright red eyes, “What happened to me?” He must’ve seen the bloody bite marks on my neck because then he asked, “Did I do that to you?” I shrugged, “You were hungry. I gave you what you wanted, so you should be happy.” “I don’t want anything to happen to you Kari! Why didn’t you run away?” He covered his face with his hands and rolled away from me. I sighed, and put my hand on his shoulder so I could roll him back to me, “Will you quit moping around? At least I agreed to it.” “Did you really?” He asked furiously, “What do you think now that the seal might be broken? Are you ready to live the life of a monster like me?” ![]() |
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