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Blac 02-16-2009 05:21 AM

I dont eat Junkfood

nobora 03-02-2009 01:33 AM

" Try your best , don't give up and your dreams will become true."

CarleyGee 03-03-2009 09:56 PM

Another one from Wuthering Heights
(such a great book!)

Nelly: Where were you last night? I'm not putting the question through
idly curiousity, but --
Heathcliff: You are putting the question through very idle curiousity, yet,
I'll answer it. Last night, I was on the threshold of hell. To-day, I am
within sight of my heaven.
I have my eyes on it.

There were so many great quotes in this book, I can't even
begin to go through it and pick them out!

And another one from Go Ask Alice.

"Even now I'm not really sure which parts of myself are real
and which parts are things I've gotten from books."

To me, that's extremely true on my part, even though I do have
a clear view of who I am now, there are times where the characters
in books are just so perfect and sweet and everybody loves them,
that I want to be just like that.

"I used to think I was the only one who felt things, but I really
am one infinitely small part of an aching humanity."

I know that this book wasn't actually written by a teenage girl,
and was actually just "based" on true stories compiled together,
but haven't we all felt like that before? There have been times
that I doubted that everyone else was even real, and that maybe
I was put here just to figure out that I'm the only who who is
actually thinking.

Now, I read a lot of old books, Wuthering Heights was written in
1850 something I think, and another I read was the Good Earth.
As much as most people would find it incredibly boring because
it is mostly descriptions and very little dialogue, it turned into
being one of my favorite books. There is something about this
book that you don't see in books anymore. The way it is written,
the same with Wuthering Heights, is so different, I was drawn in.

This next quote is particularly a favorite.

"It did not do in this life to be too fortunate.
The air and the earth were filled with malignant
spirits who could not endure the happiness
of mortals, especially of such as are poor."

I don't know exactly what it means, but from what I can
understand, it really touches a sensitive part of me. The
greedy people in this world are out of control, and at
times I stop to wonder if there are more good people in
this world, or more bad people?

More later?

Salvanas 03-07-2009 10:51 AM

I was sitting down, and listening to a friend who had problems. She was going on about mistakes, and I remembered one quote which I said, and I liked the sound of it: "You learn via making mistakes. And one thing I've learn't, is to never stop making mistakes"

Not my own, aye. But still. It's true.

CarleyGee 03-09-2009 01:16 AM

The Giver was the first book I had read that really made me think.
I read it when I was in seventh grade, and never had something
been so frightening and interesting at the same time. I hadn't read
anything like it before, it was so deep.

A quote from this book that interests me, and always had, was

"They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance
his own was taking on. And he was angry at himself, that he could
not change that for them."

Unfortunately, unless you read the book, you wouldn't really
know what this meant, but you can still pick your own meaning
behind it. For me, at times it does seem that I am the only one
who still has morals and was truly happy with my life. I would
look at my friends and see how unhappy they were, and I just
wanted to do anything in my power to give them what I had.

Of course, then there were times were I felt like them, but I
never take for granted what I have.

Now, an anarchist moment is coming up, a quote from my sister actually.

"All politicians are corrupt, greedy . . . and pretty much liers."

That does sound like it would come from somebody in my family, haha.

Now, a while back I discovered a very helpful website.
Thinkexist.com and it's filled with thousands of amazing quotes.

This is one, though I forgot who said it :

“My entire soul is a cry, and all my
work is a commentary on that cry.”

noonboy 03-09-2009 01:38 AM

well my Quote is "i am not the fool,i am the genius in disguise."

it is for the ppl who hide how smart thay ar so thay whant get ask stuf.if your smart act dumb.

BboyZetan 03-09-2009 09:42 PM

I made this one up a while back... because it's true.

"Creation Inspires Destruction"


Kenpachi11 03-09-2009 11:12 PM

one my science teacher says " Rehab is for quitters" and one of my favorites "instead of drowning in yesterday that you can't go back too, Swim in tomorrow in which you cannot predict."

KikiBunny23 03-09-2009 11:38 PM

Me and a friend made this up last night when we were talking about ALabama weather

"The climate is PMSing, they call it global warming so not to embarrass mother nature"

sakari09 03-10-2009 12:23 AM

My friend Denae says some of the most random things, but they always manage to bring a smile to our faces....like this day when we were having 'your mom' jokes:

Nae-chan in the middle of Tommy and JP's battle:
"Your mom is like a Big Mac...she's cheap, greasy, and leaves special sauce all over my car."
Us: (laughing so hard that we fall off the bleachers in the gym)

another classic from Denae:
"Oooh! Papertrail!" (pointing at a trail of rice on the table) "Uh...crap...rice trail!"

some of my own:
"Remove yourself too far from reality and you will drown in fantasy."
"Never take what life gives you, even if it is lemons. You can throw those and make drinks out of them."

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