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Riskki 05-02-2009 12:19 PM

"Hey you little brats! Get outta my yard before I beatcha with a broom!"--b/c I live out in the boonies...I hear crap like this a lot. >.<

lol thats a classic! that made me laugh!

This quote from Fall out boy song always stuck with me;
*champagne for my real friends, Real pain for my Sham Friends*

and this one which i made up from a mixture of songs which i think where Gazette, Miyavi.....because i loved the three song titles *calm Envy*.....*Gentle Lie* and *selfish love*
*My answer drowns in a smile, it's a lie im unable to escape, i want you to forget! My calm envy,your gentle lie,our selfish Love*

and one me and my brother made up;
*are you tripping on my curb?* lol thats our little homie talk! :P

heartartemishunter 06-07-2009 01:21 AM

my friends come up with so many quotes. my best quote is

"Let the Pen do the Work."

Spades' best quotes:

"Where there is white there is black."

"Live for nothing die for something."

"Why do we live in a world we do not fully understand? Sometimes we can't explain something, but do not fear, for sometimes, it doesn't have to be."

From Twiggit:

"Glomps are aggressive forms of hugs, but hugs all the same."

"High fives are like hugs, it doesn't matter who you give them to."

"Smile, someone has to do that for me."

"Hug a tree, and i will give you a free hug."

from a book i read in English called a Separate Peace byJohn Knowles (read it it is awesome)

"Nothing endures forever, not a tree, not love, not even a death by violence." (page 14)

yeah. That's what i have.

heartartemishunter 06-07-2009 02:26 AM

i found a new one from spades.

One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic...

yes. he's like that. he's depressing.

ecwsickboy 06-07-2009 02:33 AM

my quote to live by(well one of them anyways lolz)

I didnt do it

you didnt see me do it

you cant prove anything

--Bart Simpson


ozkai 06-07-2009 02:42 AM

"It's all up to you"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it's only an opinion and who gives anyone else the right to claim that it's wrong or right"

sakari09 06-10-2009 12:12 AM

"Never trust opossums...or people who play dead."
I made that one myself. I had one of those things sneak up on me last night. lol

and here's one that my friend JP came up w/:
"Never buy parkas from the petstore."

Pike 06-10-2009 01:49 AM

Here are my 3 most used personal quotes.

A female that does not kill you only makes your heart colder.

If I am not your first choice I do not want to be any choice.

I would rather you kill me then break my heart.

Quailboy 06-10-2009 03:00 AM

"Hey, kid, this is street fighter, your supposed to hit me back"

seiki 06-10-2009 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight (Post 731963)
I've just heard this somewhere, it's interesting for the girls:

"Beauty is temporary, ugliness is for ever."

How true.

I like " don't judge a book by it's cover"
I think we are all guilty of this from time to time.

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