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nobora 06-09-2009 12:14 AM

My art work
1 Attachment(s)
So I decide to make a thread so I can post up my drawings. This way its easier to keep track of them LOLSo this is the first one . Please Be honest and tell me what your really thinking :)

RKitagawa 06-09-2009 12:50 AM

you should try drawing fewer clumps of hair, having so many like that makes it look messy. But other than that I like it, very cute.

lizzey 06-09-2009 01:24 AM

I like your drawing is well done. I like the whole innocent look on her.:p

Some advice work a little bit on her head. The right side look awkward and also work on her chin a little bit not so much. But excellent job otherwise.:)

nobora 06-10-2009 12:31 AM

thank you i'll work on that!

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