Sin With a Grin
Posts: 31
Join Date: May 2009
Pixels,anybody? -
01-19-2010, 09:06 PM
Ohaider.As suggested,there are lots of pretty pixels here.Not too sure about the pretty part though,but you get the point ahaha |D
First example?My avatar f'course.Its kind of fanart of a virtual pet from the petsite i kind of play.(mostly go on for roleplaying n stuff)
Isnt it just desu-licious?/*insert retarded shoujo sparkle face*
Then i guess i could also show this here little fellow.Prolly my most complex pixel work yet.It was for a secret Santa thing,again,on the petsite dear Fleshbot plays.

Harhar,want more?Theres a link to my DA in my signature just bellow the rubber glove.(I tend to abuse my scraps on DA,so watch out for those yo)
If people will like this ,i might post some more...